
Friday, May 31, 2019

Free Merchant of Venice Essays: Injustice :: free essay writer

The Merchant of Venice is horrid, cruel, and one of the most popular plays of Shakespeare. After a close reading of the play, I consider it impossible to reckon of Shylock negatively he is just better quality stuff than any of the Christians in the play.  The Christians are truly vile, heartless, money-grabbing monsters, and when Shylock makes his final exit, destroyed by defeat, one should sense that our Christian brothers are at last completely ashamed of themselves.   I was hesitant to have anything to do with The Merchant of Venice after I first read it all possible intrigue had dissolved as I read passages such as the following               He hath disgraced me and hindered me half a million, laughed             at my losses, mocked my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my             bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies , and whats his             reason?  I am a Jew.  Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands,             organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? ...If you prick             us, do we not bleed?  If you tickle us, do we not laugh?  If you             poison us, do we not die?         (III.1.49-55, 58-60)   This passage tears at my very soul This play was to me a biting farce written to satisfy a bloody crowd.                While researching for this paper, I found two plainly opposing  facts about The Merchant of Venice - the Shakespearean play which have sparked the most controversy.  This play is the  most controversial and the most studied play in Israel.  It is knotty to und erstand how this play could be beloved by the very people who are struck down. Apparently there are various readings of The Merchant of Venice which I had not considered.               Perhaps the play is neither pro-Jewish, nor pro-Christian.  Sure, Shylock is painted as a money-hungry Jew throughout the Merchant,               My lady friend, O my ducats              My ducats, O my daughter   Shylock is enraged his daughter has eloped with a Christian, but perhaps he is more concerned with the fate of his money.               Antonio, a Christian, has borrowed money from Shylock and refuses to pay it back.  Here the reader may find a Jew-hating man who publicly spits on Shylock, and suffers from the grief of an unfullfilled homo-erotic relationship.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Homage to Albrecht Durer Essay -- Biography

Albrecht Durer is known as one of the most gifted painters and engravers of the German Renaissance period. His turn tails are known throughout the world and involve inspired artists to not only study and learn his techniques but also to broaden his techniques, expanding his already famous style. Albrecht Durer was born on May 21, 1471 in the city of Nuremberg, Ger many another(prenominal). His parents were Albrecht Durer and Barbara Holper. His father was a successful goldsmith, originally named Ajtsi, who in 1455 had moved to Nuremberg from Ajts, Hungary(Strieder). His Father married Barbara Holper who was actually the daughter of his goldsmith master. Durer was one of fourteen to eighteen brothers and sisters, many of which died young. At the age of thirteen Durer was educated at the Lateinschule in St Lorenz and also worked as an apprentice under his father and was fortunate enough to be long-familiar and have relationships with some of the greatest metal smiths of his g eneration. When Durer turned fourteen he began approaching his father with his paintings, hoping that if his father realized his artistic ability and skill he would let him study painting. There was a compromise Durer was able to study his art after he mastered the goldsmith trade. His father showed him as a good deal as he could and all of painting that he knew, until Durers skills soon surpassed his fathers. In 1486 Durer became an apprentice painter and woodcut artist to Michael Wolgemut. Wolgemut was a leader among the artists recuperative the standards of German woodcut at the time, providing the many publishers in Nuremberg with book illustrations(Hapgood). His woodcuts followed the developments in engraving to portray volume and shading to a much greater full point than before. A... ...ng Hare, drawn a year before The Great Turf. Durer enjoyed his studies of realistic nature and always pushed himself almost to the edge of realism but holding back by adding a touch of abst ract to add contrast.Artists pay homage to other artists all the time, either out of respect for the artist or to give premium to their often unique style. Many artists believe it add a depth to their artwork that they alone cannot add so by using someone elses work to inspire or to enhance their own piece. Also by using the same or similar techniques it can add a sense of write up or story to an art piece. Many artists have paid homage to Albrecht Durer. Homage for his many styles and homage for his many technique, from his engravings, to his water colours. One homage prone to Durer is by Karen Kitchel through her piece American Grasslands in reference to The Great Turf.

Mary Renaults The Last of the Wine Essay -- Mary Renault Last Wine Gr

Mary Renaults The Last of the WineThe Last of the Wine, written by Mary Renault and published by Pantheon Books in 1956, is a classical sweet that is both historically informative and entertaining. It is a recreation of classical Greece during the Peloponnesian War, when Pericles was the leader of the city of Athens. The story is being told in the first person account by Alexas, an Athenian soldier who survives the war. He reflects on his childhood, his experiences as a soldier, and his societys reaction to the ravages of the Peloponnesian war. This was a time when the Spartans had the city of Athens under siege. They burned-over the surrounding farms, cutting off the food supply of the Athenians who sought refuge inside the city. Alexas recalls the hardships the Athenians faced and their gallant efforts to protect their city from Spartan invasion.The main themes in this book are war, power, heroism, love, loyalty and growth. We are given further insight into the classical Greek s ociety as Alexas reminisces about his family life, his training as an athlete, the prodigious Games, his homosexual relationship with his mentor Lysis, and his encounters with Socrates the Philosopher. The main characters seem dogged by guilt, loneliness or failure, often the failure to love. The book ends on a gleeful note, with the Athenians defeating the Spartans, and liberating their city from the corrupt politicians.Mary Renault is an award-winning novelist who writes imaginative historical fiction. Her literary works center on the social, cultural and political ambiance of pre-classical, classical, and Hellenistic Greece. Renault is in general concerned with deepening and reconstructing myths for the purpose of describing contemporary prob... ...leader to create a vision for our youths and our society at large. We are to examine our political institutions to see if they serve the reside of the people.I can vouch for the authenticity of the information in this book. It is historically correct and can be corroborated by the textbook currently being use in my history class. The Last of the Wine makes delightful reading and will appeal to readers of all interests. Written in a style and language that is easy understood and appreciated, it bristles with excitement, adventure and heroic exploits. With all the foregoing in mind, I strongly recommend this book as a literary masterpiece. Works CitedILandon, C. burn down Jr., Mary Renault in Gunton, Sharon R, ed., Contemporanry Literature Criticism. Twaynes Publishers Inc, 1969, 394-397.2 Renault, Mary. The Last of the Wine Pantheon Rooks, 1956.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Relationships and Mechanical Processes in The Sun Also Rises Essay

Relationships and Mechanical Processes in The Sun Also Rises Relationships be an important part of invigoration. From general friendships to romantic encounters, almost everyone has had slightly type of relationship. Sometimes relationships can get confusing, especially when neck is involved. Most people, such(prenominal) as Lady Brett Ashley, from The Sun Also Rises, feel that love and wind go hand in hand in a romantic relationship. Although it is apparent that she is in love with Jacob Barnes, the main character, since he is not able to micturate sex, she does not want to try having any type of romantic relationship with him. You mustnt touch her. You must know. I cant stand it, thats all. (Hemingway, 34). This idea that one is not able to love another unless there is sex involved leads Brett into many troubles. Since she is not able to have the type of relationship that she wants with Jake, she ends up going after hands that are just not worth all the trouble, she only wanted what she couldnt have.(39). She is in the process of getting a divorce from her husband, a man who has threatened her life on numerous occasions. She is engaged to another man who is habitually drunk and completely bankrupt. She even has affairs with random men that usually understand that it is nonentity but a fling except for Robert Cohn who wanted to make an honest woman of her. (205). Her fianc seems to be all right with her lifestyle and all the various men when he is sober, but once he has drunk too much it is apparent that her flings mean more to him than he tries to let on. I gave Brett what for, you know. I verbalize if she would go about with Jews and bull-fighters and such people, she must expect trouble. (207). She makes a point of not hidin... ...fe to the fullest without having to worry about relationships and not being able to have one. He understands that he is not able to have or do everything that he wants and so makes up for it by substituting other thi ngs that he can do, such as reading, playing tennis, fishing and watching bull-fighting. By having something to concentrate on, Jake does not have to worry about what he is not able to do and so can live his life the best way he knows how. Works Cited and Consulted Bardacke, Theodore. Hemingways Women. Ernest Hemingway The Man And His Work. ed. John McCaffery. New York Cooper Square 1969 Bloom, Harold. Ernest Hemingway. New York Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. Fiedler, Leslie A. cacoethes and Death in the American Novel. New York Stein & Day 1966 Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1926

John Gardners Grendel and the Greater Power :: Grendel Essays

John Gardners Grendel and the Greater PowerMany of the characters in Grendel have direction and purpose in their lives. Wealtheow is self- sacrificing, and Hrothgar is out for personal glory. Unferth and Beowulf spend their lives trying to become great heroes so that their names may outlast their flesh. The dragon believed in nihilism, and the Shaper used his belief to create something to believe in. Some of the characters philosophies may not have been commendable, tho Grendel could not find any direction or purpose for his life whatsoever. Grendel looked for the intervention of a power higher than himself to lay the truths of the land upon him, an experience that the Romantics would characterize as an experience of the sublime. John Gardner portrays Grendel as someone who wants to find a philosophy, whether his receive or someone elses, that fits him and gives him an identity or a reason to live. By looking at the text from this perspective we can see how Gardner believes peop le should pursue, or rather, embrace a power greater than themselves. Grendel started his search for meaning with solipsistic beliefs, thinking himself the creator of the world he lived in. I understood that the world was nothing a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears. I understood that, finally and absolutely, I alone exist. All the rest, I saw, is just what pushes me, or what I push against, blindlyas blindly as all that is not myself pushes back. I create the whole universe, winking by blink (21-22). However, after speaking to the existentialist Fire Dragon, Grendel realized that aspects of his first theory didnt make sense and that even after his death things will broaden to exist. Every rock, every tree, every crystal of snow cries out cold-blooded objectness (172). When Grendel notices that events occur before he can think them into existence, his theory that he creates the world blink by blink is undermined. I think, tryi ng to suck in breath, and all that I do not see is useless, void. I observe myself discover what I observe. It startles me. Then I am not that which observes I am lack. Alack No thread, no frailest hair between myself and the universal clutter I get wind to the underground river. I have never seen it (29). Because Grendel realizes his solipsistic theory does not hold true, he searches for a new theory, discovering one where he is nothing to the world but an object taking up space.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Antropologia de Lain Entralgo Segun sus Escritos :: Spanish Essays

RESUMEN Se define como cuerpo a la totalidad de acciones, potencias, posibilidades, constituyentes...que al actuar como un todo integra las actividades que mediante el cuerpo somtico se realizan la historia, la percepcin, las emociones, la conducta, la amistad, el encuentro, y la relacin mdico enfermo. Se considera que el hombre esta vertido en la realidad, porque la versin (desde el indoor hacia afuera) es desde el cuerpo, por ser el hombre un ser de realidades, y por existir un mecanismo de versin. La unidad psico-orgnica que constituye el hombre presenta varios momentos, unos constitutivos (basados en va de fundamentacin) estructural (sistema de notas psico-orgnicas), conducta (conducta humana) y personal, otros moduladores eutmico (salud) y el patolgico (patologa como afeccin). El animal vive entre estmulos, mientras que el hombre al inteligir los estmulos los aprehende y los convierte er realidad. El mecanismo de la versin es la aprehensin sentiente de los estmulos y la intelec cin de estos como reales. La persona se encuentra indigentemente arrojado en la realidad.Caracterizacin del pensamiento lainiano.Lan Entralgo nace en Urrea de Gaen (Teruel) en 1908, realiz los estudios de Medicina y ejerci como psiquiatra. Obtuvo la plaza de Catedrtico de Historia de la Medicina en la Universidad Complutense, donde ejerci hasta 1978 (fecha en la que se jubil). Nombrado Rector de la Universidad Complutense hasta 1956. Pertenece a las Academias de Medicina, Historia y Lengua Espaola.La antropologa de Lan depende del tema en concreto que se estudie, y esta basada fundamentalmente en el empirismo y en fenomenologa de Merleau-Ponty. (1) Respecto a la mente humana establece una serie de teoras desde el punto de vista sociolgico, filosfico y estructural.Dependiendo de donde parta en el estudio del hombre, es posible afirmarLa esencia del hombre esta constituida por el espritu, tal y como Max Scheller establece, (2) y que Lan sigue con matizaciones. Parece inclinarse por ad mitir lo establecido por el pensamiento de Unamuno en el que existe alma, espritu y cuerpo, que originariamente tom de San Pablo, San Agustn y Tertuliano.El hombre es capaz de simbolizacin. Se determina que el hombre es capaz de utilizar los smbolos, tal y como establece Cassirer, (3) pero que en Lan es ms amplio ya que afirma que no es slo Animal symbolicum, sino que es capaz de crear los smbolos (Animal symbolizans).El hombre es parte de la historia, basado inicialmente en los trabajos de Dilthey, (4) y de cuyo pensamiento llegar a establecer Lan que el hombre es desde su origen animal histrico, pero que debido a ello, y por su conducta es tambien animal racional, proyectivo o capaz de proyectar al futuro (animal proiectivum), creador (a.

Antropologia de Lain Entralgo Segun sus Escritos :: Spanish Essays

RESUMEN Se define como cuerpo a la totalidad de acciones, potencias, posibilidades, constituyentes...que al actuar como un todo integra las actividades que mediante el cuerpo somtico se realizan la historia, la percepcin, las emociones, la conducta, la amistad, el encuentro, y la relacin mdico enfermo. Se considera que el hombre esta vertido en la realidad, porque la versin (desde el interior hacia afuera) es desde el cuerpo, por ser el hombre un ser de realidades, y por existir un mecanismo de versin. La unidad psico-orgnica que constituye el hombre presenta varios momentos, unos constitutivos (basados en va de fundamentacin) estructural (sistema de notas psico-orgnicas), conducta (conducta humana) y personal, otros moduladores eutmico (salud) y el patolgico (patologa como afeccin). El animal vive entre estmulos, mientras que el hombre al inteligir los estmulos los aprehende y los convierte er realidad. El mecanismo de la versin es la aprehensin sentiente de los estmulos y la intele ccin de estos como reales. La persona se encuentra indigentemente arrojado en la realidad.Caracterizacin del pensamiento lainiano.Lan Entralgo nace en Urrea de Gaen (Teruel) en 1908, realiz los estudios de Medicina y ejerci como psiquiatra. Obtuvo la plaza de Catedrtico de Historia de la Medicina en la Universidad Complutense, donde ejerci hasta 1978 (fecha en la que se jubil). Nombrado Rector de la Universidad Complutense hasta 1956. Pertenece a las Academias de Medicina, Historia y Lengua Espaola.La antropologa de Lan depende del tema en concreto que se estudie, y esta basada fundamentalmente en el empirismo y en fenomenologa de Merleau-Ponty. (1) Respecto a la mente humana establece una serie de teoras desde el punto de vista sociolgico, filosfico y estructural.Dependiendo de donde parta en el estudio del hombre, es posible afirmarLa esencia del hombre esta constituida por el espritu, tal y como Max Scheller establece, (2) y que Lan sigue con matizaciones. Parece inclinarse por a dmitir lo establecido por el pensamiento de Unamuno en el que existe alma, espritu y cuerpo, que originariamente tom de San Pablo, San Agustn y Tertuliano.El hombre es capaz de simbolizacin. Se determina que el hombre es capaz de utilizar los smbolos, tal y como establece Cassirer, (3) pero que en Lan es ms amplio ya que afirma que no es slo Animal symbolicum, sino que es capaz de crear los smbolos (Animal symbolizans).El hombre es parte de la historia, basado inicialmente en los trabajos de Dilthey, (4) y de cuyo pensamiento llegar a establecer Lan que el hombre es desde su origen animal histrico, pero que debido a ello, y por su conducta es tambien animal racional, proyectivo o capaz de proyectar al futuro (animal proiectivum), creador (a.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Beat! Beat! Drum!

Walt Whitmans verse form entitled Beat Beat Drum illustrated the fun, laughter, and license of the drums. There is no definite location that signifies the aspect of the scenario but it shows happiness and autonomy not only the sound but also the people. The whole poem defines a place where there is a roaring thunder of sounds and beats.The author constructs several symbolic objects and images to describe the property, feelings or emotions of the persona in the poem. Therefore, it can be said that the drums is a signification of society in this recent world as it shows the fast-pacing abundance of life as the poem discussed.The poem has three part on it. The first parts discussed the force of the drums as it was heard within the church. It was seen in this part that as the drum beats, the life and happiness of the church break down more sustainable and developed. BEAT beat drums Blow bugles blow / Through the windowsthrough doorsburst like a ruthless force, / Into the solemn chu rch, and scatter the group / Into the school where the scholar is studying (Whitman 1-4). The solemnity of the place burst into wilderness as the drums beat as its best. The second part of the poem discussed the crowded driveway where people are too busy with their lives.Over the traffic of citiesover the rumble of wheels in the streets / Are beds prepared for sleepers at night in the houses? No sleepers must sleep in those beds / No bargainers bargains by dayno brokers or speculatorsWould they continue? (9-11). The society is very busy but as the drums beat, they started glade pathways and make way to the sounds of the drums. It was seen that the drums is powerful and known within the setting of the poem because it was not treated as simple formation of sounds but a actualization of social factors.The third part of the poem discussed the voice of the people. The drums serve as the voices of the people who asked for forgiveness, strength, and new life. The drums beat for them, the drums is this part signifies the life and ideologies of the society in this modern world. As the drums beat, the people started on mourning and yearning for a new beginning. This part also serves as the resolution of the poem for this became the solution of each(prenominal) the situation of men on earth. After all the things they have done, they will still go back to where they starts and belong.In the first part as well as all throughout the verse, there is no conduction of rhyme and rhythm. It was a free-verse poem that exists in different point of views and attacks. As the poem went on, the stage or take of defining the drums becomes more complex and social based idea. It is for the evidence that the second part of the poem is about the street with the children and the last part was in spirit as the persona described the strength and hardness of the drums in beating the sounds of life. Work Cited Whitman, Walt. (1900). Beat Beat Drums 13 June 2008. http//www. bartleby. c om/142/112. html

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Freak the Mighty and “Ability” Extended Response Essay

Believing in ones self is common, and it thrives throughout the novel, Freak the Mighty, by Rodman Philbrick, and the poem, Ability, by Selina E. Matis. There are several lines in the poem, Ability, that relate to the novel, Freak the Mighty.For example, one of the lines in the poem was, Ability is to look at a blank page, and form a poem. An example from Freak the Mighty that relates to that line is that Max didnt know how to write, even when Freak gave him the empty book. However, in the end, Max ended up writing a whole book. Another line from the poem was, For many, ability is never found, but for all, ability is within.The way this line relates to, Freak the Mighty, is that Max was up to(p) to read and write all along, he just had to take a chance and try, and also, not be lazy. One more line from the poem, Ability, is, Ability is to contemplate into the eyes of fear, and come out stronger because of it. The way that this line relates to, Freak the Mighty, is that when Maxs f ather, Killer Kane, was choking him, Max fought back. This also shows that, what doesnt kill you alone makes you stronger.As one can see, throughout the novel, Freak the Mighty, by Rodman Philbrick, and the poem, Ability, by Selina E. Matis, they both had many similarities. Both the novel and the poem showed believing in yourself.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Competition for Tripadvisor

Competitor Analysis Know Your Options TripAdvisor TripAdvisor is one of the largest travel sites with much than 40 million travelers reading and writing reviews each month. If you own or manage a hotel/accommodation, holiday rental, restaurant or attraction, you should claim or acquire a listing on TripAdvisor. Creating your business account will enable you to update your business details, showcase photos, promote specials and respond to guest reviews.TripAdvisor also offers a wide range of marketing opportunities and content solutions you may want to explore. Competitor analysis and identification 1. Who is ourcompetition? Home Away inc,- founded in February 2005 Over the years, HomeAway chief operating officer Brian Sharples and his family rented a variety of ski and beach homes, enjoying the space, availability of a kitchen and flexibility to invite others on vacation. However, he found that finding and booking a quality online in the highly-fragmented vacation rental industry was not as easy as reserving a hotel.It was out of this frustration, that he realized the opportunity to transform the vacation rental industry and build the worlds leading marketplace for online vacation rentals. HomeAway, Inc. was founded by Sharples and Carl Shepherd in February 2005. Orbitz Worldwide Inc,-Founded in 2001 Orbitz Worldwide enables travelers to research, plan and book a broad range of travel products, facilitating 1. 5 million flight searches and one million hotel searches every day. 4Orbitz Worldwide is a publicly traded company listed on the in the raw York Stock Exchangefollowing its initial public offering (IPO) in July 2007. Orbitz Worldwides largest investor isTravelport, one of the worlds largest networks of travel brands, content and improvement offerings. footingline. com Inc- Founded in 1997 Priceline. com is an Internet-based transactional work that offers products in two categories a travel service that offers leisure airline tickets,hotel rooms, re ntal cars, packaged vacations and cruises and a personalfinance servicethat marketshome mortgages,refinancingand home quity loans through an independent licensee. 2. What is the profile of ourcompetitors? Orbitz Worldwide, Inc. operates as an online travel company that enables leisure and business travelers to research, plan, and book a range of travel products. It provides a set of travel products, including air, hotels, vacation packages, car rentals, cruises, travel insurance, and destination services, such as ground transportation, event tickets, and tours worldwide.The company owns and operates a portfolio of consumer brands, including Orbitz, CheapTickets, ebookers, HotelClub, RatesToGo, and the Away Network, as considerably as corporate travel brands, such as Orbitz for Business and Travelport for Business. HomeAway, Inc. operates as an online marketplace for the vacation rental industry. It offers an extensive selection of vacation homes, privately own residential propertie s, including homes, condominiums, villas and cabins, which can be rented on a nightly, weekly or monthly basis.Priceline. com Incorporated has pioneered a unique e-commerce pricing system known as a demand collection system that enables consumers to use the Internet to save money on a wide range of products and services while enable sellers to generate incremental revenue. Using a simple and compelling consumer proposition Name Your Own Price priceline. com collects consumer demand, in the form of individual customer offers guaranteed by a credit card, for a particular product or service at a price set by the customer. . What are the business purposes of ourcompetitors? -Orbits goal is to transform the way the world looks at travel -Home Away plans to be part of a coalition being formed with a goal of standardizing rules judicature the vacation rental market -Pricelines goal is to lead the industry as a world-class customer-centric company, with an infrastructure that delivers t he best, personalized customer service get is absolutely fundamental to our companys long-term success on the Internet. 4. What market strategies are being followed by thecompetitionand what is the success rate? Marketing strategy for Price line is Introduction which is the one place where you can satisfy your every need (almost every need) at your price? Be it airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, mortgages, pertly automobiles, or even long distance calling time. 5. What are the strengths and weaknesses of ourcompetitors? Presented in SWOT Analysis) 6. What threats / opportunities do they pose? (Presented in SWOT Analysis) References http//finance. yahoo. com/q/co? s= slip+Competitors http//www. bizjournals. com/austin/news/2013/02/25/homeaway-part-of-national-coalition. html http//essaymania. com/14492/marketing-strategy-for-priceline-com http//www. homeaway. com/info/about-us/company-info/corporate-faqs/why-founded

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Compare The Strengths And Limitations Of A Range Of Assessment Methods

Compargon the strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods with reference to the extremitys of individual scholarly personsDirect observation in the primary initiation of gathering tell apart within NVQs as it is the most appropriate way of presenting naturally occurring evidence. Youre watching the aspect carry step forward his routine realize but on the opposite hand the candidate may perform for you or become very nervous with you watching. Performance evidence demands consistent and retell performance to the required standard.Work products might be pre op checks, job descriptions, duty rosters, check lists, accident forms, policies and procedures, records of phone calls, records of correspondence communication book records.Work products about clients or stave should not be photocopied and put in the portfolio. Assessors should view them and fill in the relevant sheet showing what was read, where its kept and for which PCs, it is relevant and attach it to a n Evidence move into sheet.The candidates contribution to the Work Product needs to be made clear. Putting in an organisational policy or procedure does not show evidence of the candidates skill or knowledge unless there is evidence to show. They realize the policy or procedure or they have applied it to their own realm of work or they have trained their staff in it or they have used the policy or procedure.Generally certificates only provide proof of attention at a course and be not a test of knowledge or competence. Assessors may need to ask questions to test competence or knowledge. Some assessors now show proof of competence across delimitated situations and this provides good evidence. If candidates are keen to keep certificates in their portfolio dont discourage them, these could be kept in the Supporting Evidence section at the back.Check and fill in the Witness Status List at the front of the candidates portfolio with regards to who can be used as a witnessA witness s hould ideally hold the NVQ assessor award and be in a supervisory capacity to the candidate. Colleagues can give Witness statements but in a small environment issues of pressure and collusion can arise.Assessors can use witnesses to tolerate the content of a Candidate Report by writing a supporting statement at the end of the evidence record sheet. There are two types of witness the expert witness and the non-expert witness.An expert witness is someone given the role of regularly and systematically observing and reporting on candidates when they are performing tasks which produce evidence towards an NVQ and who is occupationally competent, with the necessary expertise in the area for which they are providing testimony. This information should be noted by the assessor.Briefed by the QA to ensure that they understand the standards to which the evidence relates because the expert witness testimony is more rigorous and covers a wider range of the candidates performance, it usually has greater weight than the testimony of other witnesses. Non experts my also be used as witnesses, however, their evidence may be less reliable than that of the expert witness as they are unlikely to be familiar with the standards being assessed.Assessors must judge the validity of all witness testimonies. NVQ units cannot be achieved by relying on witness testimony alone.Achievement of an NVQ unit will ever so involve observation of the candidate by a qualified assessor taking account of the evidence provided by witness testimony.Simulation This is where the candidate cannot provide evidence to cover PCs and whereasking questions may be insufficient. Examples might be dealing with a health emergency or working with someone who challenges the service.Recognising Prior LearningSTRENGHTS1. If a learner had a previous rpl , it can be used to support their other assessments. Accrediting their prior learning assessment makes a learner feel that any work done in the past in this area was not a waste of sentence 2.qcf is giving learners the opportunity to use rpl more and they define it as a method of assessment that considers whether a learner can demonstrate that they can meet the requirements of a unit through knowledge, understandingand skills they already suffer and do not need to develop through a course of learning. Limitations1.may be time consuming for the assessor as will need to validate the rpl not all of it may be relevant to the current criteria they are assessing. 2.each assessor needs to check the centering for their relevant qualification, as the guidance varies for different qualifications.Written questioningStrenghts1.Can take the form of essays, short answer questions or multiple choice questions. Short and multiple choice questioning are examples of objective test as there is only one correct answer. This form of assessment is quick and easy to mark wich means feedback can be given quickly to learners.Limitations1.Multiple choice questions c an be guessed if the learner is unsure so they might not be the best way to get an accurate measure of whether the learner has understood something. If more depth on short answer questions is requied, essays can be used to assess understanding, literacy and high level comprehension although they take time for the learners to complete and for the assessor to mark.Oral questioningStrenghts 1.Can form a secondary or backup assessment to check for comprehension. They can be used to support theory period the learner is practising their skills or at work and they can be adapted or changed quickly depending on the situation. 2.open oral questions should be used to draw out the information from the learner. Limitations1.Assessors should be careful not to use closed questions unless testing agreement.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Aquiring Admissable Statements Essay

1. When reviewing the legal requirements to acquire an admissible statement, what similarities did you find among the four states?In general the similarities among the four states pertain to the use of customary records such as religious ones, family history, documents more than 20 years old, recorded recollections, the absence of public records, vital statistics, statements about the declarants present sense impressions or the declarants the existing mental, physical or emotional state, statements about the persons medical condition. Arizona, Illinois and innovative York also allow telephone conversations to be admitted into read as long as one part has consented to such recording (Pilgrim Software, 2007).2. What differences did you find among the four states? California requires both parties consent to telephone conversation recording for the telephone call to be admitted as certainty (Pilgrim Software, 2007). California has admitted hearsay statements by victims who were murd ered, as demonstrated by the (Colb, 2008) Giles v. California.New York Evidence Law (2006) does non allow prior consistent statements. They can only be used to disprove misassigned motive, as demonstrated by People v. Seit, 86 N.Y.2d 92 (1995) (p. 15).However, New York has made exceptions to such statements when they apply to present impressions (p. 15). Out-of-court identifications made by persons not present is treated as hearsay (p. 15). This is also true for California (DiCarlo, 2001).In Arizona, former testimony in a non-criminal action or proceeding is admissible. If it relates to criminal actions or proceedings it is inadmissible (Arizona rules, 2009). Yet, Arizona allows firsthand create verbally accounts of the persons activities or routines (2009).Illinois (2011) contends that one must prove the content of a writing, recording, or photograph, the original writing, recording, or photograph is required, except as other provided in these rules or by statute in order to be admitted. If the original is unavailable, exceptions might be made (2011).3. What do you consider the most provoke concept regarding your comparison of admissible statements for these states?Perhaps, the most interesting concept regarding the comparison of admissible statements and hearsay exceptions for these states lie within the small and pivotal differences between them. well-nigh every difference is explained by a court case in that particular state. when one considers that each state has a few exceptions to the federal rules of evidence and hearsay, I cannot help but wonder whether such exceptions are constitutional.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Action Plans: Enhancing Training Development for Employees Essay

AbstractThis research paper analyzes and summarizes ternary published articles and a textbook that provides information on the results from a previous research conducted. The previous conducted research analyzed and summarized the use of put through plans that employers and employee structure to develop and enhance discipline methods to improve melody performances. The three articles vary in the descriptions of an action plan, the different types of action plans, and the strongness of action plans in the workforce. Paul Thoresen states, action planning should be an synergistic process involving both management and employees because it allows more generated ideas, spreads out answerableness for successful results in concern performances (Thoresen, 2014, p.1). On another note, the other articles define and provide precise information regarding action planning in the workforce. This paper analyzes and summarizes three different articles, including Thoresens, severally article pertains to the use of an action plan that will enhance the didactics development in the workforce.Action Plans Enhancing Training Development for Employees human being Resource Development is a practice used in the working environment that combines training, organization, and c arer development to help oneself improve and encourage individuals, group, and organizational performances. Employers are practicing enhancing the training development for employees handicraft performances by structuring action plans for the employee who is obtaining employment. An action plan is a writ decennary document that provides travel that a member of the management team and the employee will abide by to ensure that the training transfers into the job performance (Noe, 2013,p.216-217). Action plans used to design training for employee development will be the topic that will be researched and analyzed in depth throughout this paper. The foremost reason behind choosing this topic is that on that point will be an opportunity of gaining knowledge surrounding action plans. In addition, researching and analyzing this topic will also benefit in developing and enhancing certain managerial skills that focus on training and developing an employees job performance. Action plans are strongly emphasized in theworkforce and are effective in the development in the employees training and job performance.Paul Thoresens article, Survey Action Planning to Drive Change, is an effective article published on LinkedIn, a social media website for members who have a connection at heart the Business constancy. The articles summary is based on a conducted survey that was researched within the internal and external roles. The summarization also provides resourceful tips in introducing the topic of action planning in the workforce. Thoresen provides general guidelines on effective action planning, his definition of action planning, and steps on structuring an effective action plan. According to Tho resen, there are five benefits of action planning such as building credibility, percentage in understanding the purpose of employers reactions, enhancing open communication, learning that time and opinions matter, and buy-in for all involved and opportunities to pull (Thoresen, 2014, p.1). Previously stated, Action planning should be an interactive process involving both management and employees by allowing ideas to be generated and a broader spectrum of the workforce is represented (Thoresen, 2014,p.1).Read moreWhat is Employee Development?Action plans help in expanding accountability for management and employees. In addition, this article exhibits common mistakes from employers when developing training guides for future employees. Thoresen (2014) provides an exceptional insight stating that one area that often gets short shrift is training for managers as hale as for HR Business Partners. Managers may likely need assistance to communicate results and conduct feedback sessions. A lso stating that there needs to be substantiate for this and time allotted to make it happen. Managers and teams need to be empowered to make suggestions and make change happen. This article clearly exemplifies that training development amongst employers and employee should be well structured and focus on the impact of an employees job performance and the workforce. The next articles, researched and published by the dwarfishr Learning Group in 2009, is summarized as a guideline for individuals who obtain a management or supervision position. Performance Management and Corrective Action A Resource drop dead for Managers and Supervisors gives a breakdown of an effective training guide that employers should provide and make sure their management team are extremely knowledgeable to train the employees.The Little Learning Group (2009) states, that a good action plan is task-oriented, specific, offers the appropriate training or help, setsgoals, sets a timetable for effecting change, e xplains the consequences of continued poor performance, removes obstacles to performance, and lastly considers appropriateness of overlord resources. The opinion of this group corresponds with Thoresens definition of action planning because it identifies that an action plan is used in training development to better the employees job performance. In addition, each action plan must be structured in a sufficient amount of time in order to be efficient and make an impact in the training development. There are various guidelines in structuring effective action plans, but most importantly is that managers are capable of helping the trainees get resources they need to complete his or her action plan (Noe, 2013, p.216). In order for an action plan to be effective in training development and improving the employees job performance, the management team must have sufficient knowledge and the necessary tools to help ensure that the employees are able to improve and learn.In addition throughout all the conducted research, action plans must effectively partake in training development by be planned with enough time. According to the article and textbook, action plans provide schedules that check progress being made in using learned capabilities on the job and that the action plan process should begin by identifying goals and strategies for reaching the goals (Group, L. L. (n.d.)., 2009, p.14) Furthermore, the last article researched is a sample of an action plan that was structured by a Human Resource department in hopes to determine the effect it has in the training development and the affairs performance. The article written by Ciel S. Cantoria, Human Resources Strategic Planning and a Sample HR Action Plan, concludes that Human Resource departments obtain a vital role in achieving a businesss mission and that it must first establish goals and strategies in a timely manner. In addition, the article (2011) explains that it is important that goals are formed and structure d to be met to help enhance job performances and to also have a process that begins by first identifying a goal and strategies to reach that particular goal. For example, this article provides ten goals that the Human Resource department would like to include in the hiring process of a new employee and the strategies needed in order to accomplish the goals successfully.It is easily interpret that Cantorias article corresponds with the other two articles and the textbook by stating that the members of the management team must be knowledgeable andqualified in training employees to take a leak an effective action plan. For example, this action plan is similar to the sample action plan listed on page 217 in the textbook, Employee Training and Development, by Raymond Noe by stating each goal must have strategies to correspond with the goal. In conclusion, it is easily determined that action plans obtain a vital role in the Business Industry by enhancing the development in employee trai ning. Action plans need to be structured carefully and must be precise in order to be effective in employee training development. Most importantly, in order for action plans to continue enhancing the workforce, action plans must be introduced and supported by the management team of either business. After carefully researching, analyzing, and summarizing the articles, action plans in the workforce will be beneficial in all future endeavors that consist of employee training development, employees job performances, and lastly the business structure. Action plans are strongly emphasized in the workforce and are effective in the development in the employees training and job performance.ReferencesCantora, C. (2011, March 11). Fundamentals of Human Resources Strategic Planning Sample HR Plan Available. Brighthub Project Management. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from http//www.brighthubpm.com/resource-management/26611-human-resources-strategic-planning-and-a-sample-hr-action-plan/ Group, L. L . (n.d.). Performance Management and Corrective Action A Resource Guide For Managers &Supervisors. www.csus.edu. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from http//www.csus.edu/hr/docs/professional/perfmgmtandcorrectiveaction050109.pdf Noe, R. A. (2013). Program Design. Employee training and development (6 ed., pp. 216-217). New York McGraw-Hill. Thoresen, P. (2014, April 7). Survey Action Planning to Drive Change. Worlds Largest paid Network. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from https//www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140407110833-29417413-survey-action-planning-to-drive-change

Democratic leadership Essay

Democratic happen carriage is the advisable drawship style which shape ups participation in decision-making and it can be persuasive or consultative. However, thither is no best leadership style because nothing can be absolute right and comprehensive. In this assignment, I will illustrate the conquestful case about GLANZ GROUP which adopted autocratic leadership style in the beginning of its foundation. Furthermore, I will also show the successful cases by adopting antiauthoritarian leadership or combination the different leadership styles in their company in order to harbour to my opinion. The cases from the books and from internet will also be illustrated.Strong leadership, no matter how well intenti id and benevolent, can boost dependency and subvert democracy. Yet absence of any leadership will lead to confusion, drift, and tension. As legion(predicate) progressive activists arrive remarked, there can be a tyranny of structurelessness as well as of autocracy.The examp le of Mr. Qinde LeungMr. Qinde leung, Chairman of the board of directors and CEO of GLANZ GROUP who built up his own factory victimization 300 thousand RMB in 1978 Guizhou Feather and Down Factory, the turner one of GLANZ GROUP. Soon after, he chop-chop realized that it was more beneficial for these tear stream enterprises which used their products for further dress problem. He decides to do the same business without any techniques and any skillful persons at that time. It was a big risk so that a lot of employees were against this plan. But Mr. Leung insisted on his own schedule and fin tout ensembley he got complete success depending on his own experience and special views. It cant be denied that at the developing phase of the company, facing the complicated situation and unbalanced quality of employees, Mr. Leung had to mange his company in autarchy. With the revolution of modern enterprises governance in 1990, Mr. Leung became the CEO of GLANZ GROUP, his decision was un-ch altogetherenged, but luckily, he has the special view and convincing personality and lead the GLANZ GROUP to todays flourish.It has become an enterprise that owns about 740 acres and 20,000 staffs by2003. Being one of the most outstanding groups of home appliance in China, GALANZ also won the fames of Global Microwave Oven Manufacturing snapper, Global Air-con Manufacturing Center, Global Sm exclusively Appliance Manufacturing Center and Logistic Center. In Oct 2003, GLANZ invests 2 billion RMB in purchasing about 495 acres of land in Huangpu Town, Zhongshan City to set up the largest air-con manufacturing base in the world. Its annual production capacity of air-con will increase to 12 million sets. (http//www.galanz.com.cn)Mr. Qinde leung, the benevolent-autocratic leader is described as powerful and prestigious but one who can be communicated with and is interested in his subordinates fusss (Robert N. McMurry, The Case for Benevolent Autocracy, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 36 (January-February 1958), pp. 82-90). He structures the activities of his subordinates, makes policy decisions affecting them, and enforces discipline. He may encourage participation in planning, but in executing he is the chief. However, crowd together Gibson, illusion Ivancevich, and James Donnelly, Jr., scan even this style has been weakened by recent changes in attitudes within our society (James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich, and James H. Donnelly, Jr., Organizations Structure, Processes, Behavior (Dallas Business Publications, Inc., 1973), p. 298). This may particularly be true for younger generations as they express desires to rift away from any authoritative or paternalistic environment. all(prenominal) organization will solve the problem of leadership in a different way. Some successful co-ops especially smaller ones ar exceedingly egalitarian. They have no formal leaders and few overt signs of leadership behavior. Other groups do well, at least for a generation, with a single central leader who encourages the members to participate. Many successful groups find nerve center ground. They reject dominating leaders and also escape the tyranny of structurelessness.The example of the OEOC (Ohio Employee Ownership Center)While aid the University of Texas and later getting his Ph.D. inpolitical science from Princeton University, John Logue studied abroad in Mexico, Denmark, and Germany. He was particularly interested in the bunker-owned and democratically operated Mondragon cooperatives of the Basque region in Spain. With lots of plants under its control, the Mondragon Co-operative Corporation is the largest business corporation in its region, and the eighth largest in Spain. Several years later, Logue observed similar cooperatives and employee-owned enterprises in Quebec, Canada. perusal these models built his belief that democratically operated well to the company, just as democratic countries outperform autocratic ones.Logue, a professor of poli tical science at Kent State, directs OEOC. Assisted by a small staff, he whole kit and boodle to increase the number of employee-owned and run companies and to ease their employees build personal assets. When a company considers shutting down an Ohio facility, for example, OEOC shows its owners and workers how employee ownership can save their livelihoods. Then, after plants make the transition to employee ownership, OEOC provides continue support to worker-owners through education, connections to consultants, and help organizing democratic structures for decision-making and communication.In all, OEOC provides 4,000 hours of leadership training per year. Since 1987, the group has helped 438 Ohio companies and plants, employing more than 83,000 people, explore the possibility of employee ownership. Of these, 64 have implemented partial or complete employee ownership plans. Logue has demonstrated that direct employee-ownership of companies promotes reinvestment, bank line creation, and asset-building for workers and their local economies. (http//dept.kent.edu/oeoc/index.htm)The Kohls Department Store ExampleStore manager, Audrey McCaskey, works with other employees and assistant managers of the store to come up with ways to improve their stores performance. (http//www.kohlscorporation.com/AboutKohls/AboutKohls01.htm) As the leader, Audrey is a qualified manager who fits either characteristic of a good store manager. Her ways of doing things at times are fierce yet ethical, and with her team, she is persistent to get the job through provingthat leadership is an essential part of a managers position.When Audrey came to be General Manager of Kohls back in 1997, Kohls was excelling in sales and profit. Her energy and demand (although sometimes a bit sarcastic) as well as her visions for the store, classify her as an excellent leader. However, I would also classify her as a transactional leader. Besides motivating employees, Audrey is hardworking and determined to get the job done. She runs her store efficiently and tries to keep it as a smooth operation. In fact, most managers used all the different styles on the job at some point or another. Many of these management styles are practiced within the management team of Kohls. Through these different styles, management is able to lead in a more effective manner.Firstly, coercive leaders Management at Kohls demands that each and e very(prenominal) employee gives their 100% effort during their jobs. Working as a member of the team, each employee is expected to do their manage of the work. Secondly, authoritative leaders- Management encourage employees to work hard and continue the trend of growth, innovation, and profitability. Thirdly, affinitive leaders- Known for Team ground operations, team leaders at Kohls create a harmonic work setting, making all employees feel comfortable with the store setting. Managers also try to develop and sustain working relationships with all employees.Fourth ly, democratic leaders- Participation is practically inevitable while working at Kohls. Managers encourage participation through contests, and jean or tennis shoe days, which usually have positive results. Fifthly, pacesetting leaders- whole employees are told what is expected of them and their performance. Therefore, employees work at achieving expectations and or goals through team work and self direction. Lastly, Coaching Leaders- Each new employee of Kohls is given extensive training within the first 3-6 weeks of employment. With this, managers hope to develop leadership skills among all employees.Every morning before opening of the store, Kohls manager or assistant managers have a picture meeting, treating the stores current sales increases or decreases and upcoming sales. For this meeting, managers follow an outline that briefly goes over each priority for the day. The outlinegoes over sales plans, goals, and actual, credit application goals, and actual, store news, top pr iorities for the day, and advertising. When sales are up, employees are encouraged to keep up the good work and often are awarded with a jean day. When awarded a jean day, employees are allowed to wear jeans to work. Managers will also advise employees having corporate visits. Corporate visits are that soulfulness from the Kohls corporate center visits the store to make sure everything is in place and in order. During these visits, all associates are asked to maintain their departments especially well. Managers will also hold afternoon meetings for employees who work the afternoons and evenings.Another form of communication is the weekly K-Notes which come inserted in each weekly paycheck. In K-Notes, store managers briefly discuss store news such as upcoming events, corporate visits, new associates, etc. Each employee of Kohls receives an evaluation every 90 days from Audrey or an assistant store manager. During these evaluations the manager will go over with the employees their c urrent job performance. The manager will point out all the positive things in the employees performance and the entire negative. Through this discussion, the employees are able to learn their strong points and what needs to be done to improve their overall work performance. When employees receive a good evaluation, their salary is increased.Obviously, Kohls has done very well in its approaches to team leading and teamwork overall. By practicing each of the individual styles of leadership, Kohls has been proved to be successful in its operations.In a word, the situational approach to leadership styles has been a valuable contribution. More practical(prenominal) than previous theories, it shows that there is no one best style for all situations. Attempting to define and determine a proper leadership style is an extremely complex task for any leader. The evidence is becoming clearer that there is no single, all-purpose style of behavior that is effective in all managerial situations. Someday, experience and enquiry may provide us with the one best way. Until then, each manager must be open-minded, informed, and adaptable. commendation1 About the OEOC 2001 Online, assessed 10 Mar. 2004 URL http//dept.kent.edu/oeoc/AbouttheOEOC/AboutTheOEOC.htm2 About Kohls 2003 Online, assessed 8 Mar. 2004. URL http//www.kohlscorporation.com/AboutKohls/AboutKohls01.htm3 Bill C. 2001 We Are All Leaders Democratic Leadership Makes Us More Powerful Online, assessed 6 Mar. 2004. URL http//www.geonewsletter.org/ed44cas.htm4 James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich, and James H. Donnelly, Jr., Organizations Structure, Processes, Behavior (Dallas Business Publications, Inc., 1973), p. 2985 Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. 1995 The leadership challenge How to keep getting extraordinary things done in organizations (2nd ed.). San Francisco Jossey-Bass.6 Robert N. McMurry, The Case for Benevolent Autocracy, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 36 (January-February 1958), pp. 82-907 Soaring Galanz 2002 O nline, assessed 10 Mar. 2004. URL http//www.galanz.com.cn8 Yukl, G. A. 1998 Leadership in organizations (4th Ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Children Literature Essay

No one can develop the liter whollyy unprecedented stimulate monkey around phenomenon, starting with J. K. Rowling, now 35, whose life has been changed utterly by the intersection of her imagination. Seven historic period ago, she was the single m new(prenominal) of a small daughter, living in a two-room plane in Edinburgh, listening to mice skittering behind walls. Now she is internationally famous and earning, according to various estimates, roundwhere in the range of $30 million to $40 million a year.Once, during a bad patch, she d scaned the at loggerheads looks she would attract while lining up at the local post office to claim her weekly income support check. Now however she tranquillise gets lots of stares, still in the reverse order (Neil 45). Yes, it true(a) J. K. Rowling life has chanced and her books has been the hottest commodity for commercialization since forever. THESIS There has been a lot of controversy regarding the irritate fiddle book series, the scope of the controversy range in conversations from schools, churches, board rooms, colleges and universities.Some of the discussions train been positive and some negative, but mostly what everyone is saying is that the vex Potter book series leave alone become a classic, because when equated to other nipperren literary works books they are just good or better than most, if not all of the other childrens books. In this essay I will prove the point that the Harry Potter books have all that it takes to become part of the literary canon. I will compare the Potter books to five children books books to determine their literary authentic. I will look at the Potter books from a Philosophy future to give a clear concept about the books.I will compare opinions of lay persons, and scholars, and at last I will discuss the affects that commercialization have had on the books. The books that I have elect to compare the Potter books are The Chronicles of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, and Thro ugh the Looking glass, Hackberry Finn, and the Wizard of Oz, I have chosen these five books to compare to the Potter books, because these books are books that have endured for centuries. First I will compare the Harry Potter books with The Chronicles of Narnia.The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels written by C. S. Lewis. They are considered classis of childrens literature and are perhaps the authors best known work. The books that make up the Chronicles of Narnia consist of The Lion, the beldame and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Trader, The Silver Chair, the Magicians Nephew, and The Battle. The Chronicles of Narnia are great children literature books because they contains Christian themes, These books may in like manner be use to give instruction children about spirituality, and are often times viewed as religious allegories.These books teach child about good verse evil, and at the time of their publication they were very familiar books , and still are today. Like the Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books also teach children about good verse evil. but these books like the Potter books have had plenty of review. There were certain Christians and Christian organizations who felt that The Chronicles of Narnia promotes soft make out infidelism and occultism, because of the recurring pagan themes and the supposedly heretical depictions of Christ as an anthropomorphic lion.Satyrs, fauns, centaurs, dwarves, werewolves, giants, and even the pagan god Bacchus and the Maenads are depicted in a positive light, when they are distinctly pagan motifs (Smith 10). Although, in that respect was all this criticism about the Chronicles it wasnt enough to prevent these books from becoming classic. Secondly, Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a great children literature book. This book is considered one of the first books created solely to amuse children. It is witty, playful, proficient of clever conceits and genuine come dy and downright entertaining. But what makes it better than the Harry Potter books?Or is it? No The Harry Potter books are witty, with genuine comedy, full of clever conceits and downright entertaining, also the Harry Potter books are read by children, young adults, and adults as well. Even children who as a rule are skeptical of instruction are reading the Harry Potter books. Should this alone be reason enough to allow the Harry Potter books to classify as a classic? I think so, but lets continue with our comparison of the other children books ( chirrup 3-10). The third comparison to the Harry Potter books will be Lewis Carols Through the Looking Glass.Just like Alices Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass is a great childrens story. This book is a continuation of the story of Alice in Wonderland, and over the years it has amused and entertained many children, but what makes its better than Harry Potter? Is it really better than Harry? Before we answer the question lets continue with our comparison of the next book (Carol 6-10). The fourth comparison will be The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In this novel a young boy is in search of freedom and courage.I believe that this book became a classic because it was one of the first American books in which a non-white character is portrayed as someone to be emulated, in this case serving as the sound of reason for a cast-off urchin and a middle class white boy. There was plenty of criticism about this book, because it used the word nigger throughout. Many people feel that the words racialist and discriminatory connotations make it unacceptable to use any where, and particularly in a book aimed at child. Others, however, claim that to call the book racist because of this usage is to miss its point.Again, The Adventures of huckleberry Finn is a very nice story, full of fantasy, but it has nothing that the Harry Potter is missing. The fifth comparisons will be the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz, crea ted the popular political fable rather than having Christian inspiration uplift, with a protagonist who is an admirable, individualistic, and rather selfish child rather than a cooperative do-gooder. However, Baum at the same time retained the dominant structure of ordinal (twentieth century fantasy and with it the neo imperialism that assumed the inherent superiority of certain racial types.The Wizard of Oz is a great children literature with lots of fantasy (Baum 28). Development of fantasy itself owes a great deal to childrens literature, but this does not mean that fantasy is only for children. However, the Harry Potter books have made it stylish to ready fantasy again, but I think its worth reminding ourselves of the great tradition that preceded Rowlings books and helped children to grow up realizing that it is okay to be imaginative and to continue to dream.The Harry Potter books have all the fantasy and intrigue as all the other books and more beside. Each of the books tha t I have named were normally books that were read by adults to children as a bedtime story, where as the Harry Potter books are being used for the same purpose and more. Not only are parents reading the Potter books to their child as bedtime stories, but in addition they are reading them, themselves for the sake of getting lost and carried away in the magical world of Harry Potter.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mobile Security and Why it’s important

Commonplace so developers had to build in trade protection from the start. Storing surnames and passwords in seeming(a) text on the device is a rookie mistake. (Prince, 2010) Rooting and Jail prison-breaking is a cultivate where users tamper with a device renounceing them to bypass any restrictions that were put on the phone to prevent the terminal user from having nettle. After rooting or Jail breaking a device the user obtains superset access rights. These rights every(prenominal)ow for full control and customization which also makes the device more(prenominal) susceptible to attack. (Hang, Wright & Samurais, 2014) Security And Why Its DifficultAlthough security is an important factor in development it is roughly fourth dimensions hard to get developers to steering on security. warlike pressure to deliver more functionality at a lower cost is one reap that whole shebang against improving security. Grabbing market sh ar as soon as possible also slow developers influe nce to improve security. (Hali still, Voss, Miller, 2011, p. 10) Many Application Developers be most concerned in an app being secure decent to not bring their system hatful. Therefore, fixing the security of APS is somewhat ch completelyenging. Recent reports show that up to 80% of APS fail to employ with security standards.Using data fertilization will keep devices that are lost or stolen from leaking valuable data. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Office of Science and Technology are preparing to begin its own development of alert APS for use by employees that would be more secure than APS available to the public. (Curran, 2012) Security, What Can Be Done wandering(a) application security should not simply focus on data and applications. Mobile platforms are apply in various new settings and impact users in ways that could never apply to a PC.An attacker could compromise systems connected to mobile devices through with(predicate) vulnerabilities ide ntified at any point (Line, Hang, Wright, Samurais, 2014, p. 22) Some researchers focus on analysis, detection and evaluation of malicious applications while others focus on designs meant to improve data security. irresponsible permission usage or isolating the execution environment is two examples of such. (Hang, Wright & Samurais, 2014) Fortunately, the UN-trusted entry points to an application are limited to the particular platform features you choose to use and are secured in a consistent way.Android applications do not go for a simple main function that always gets called when they start. Instead, their initial entry points are based on registering Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers or Content Providers with the system (Burns, 2008, p. 5) Developers should assume that an attacker will fix the device on their phone and then be able to inspect the application. By Jail breaking their phone it allows the attacker to retrieve the actual code making it easy for them to plan their attack. (Prince, 2010) Information leakage must(prenominal) be curtailed during the architecture phase and managed with strict controls in plowmen. Rouse, 2009, p 44) Developers need not besides consider how to keep users data safe precisely to deal with power usage and memory consumption. You finishnot allow mallard to access your applications special permissions. (Burns, 2008) In conclusion, Security for mobile devices is something users and developers need to take more seriously. Developers must understand that making sure an application is great is top priority but security for those applications can be Just as important. Should there be more strict submission rules for security to force developers to make security a priority?Mobile Application Developers Face Security Challenges. Retrieved August 28, 2014. Rouse, attest 23, 2009, Securing Mobile Applications Illuminating Mobile Threats, HTTPS//www. Spas. Org/index. PH? Title=The_future_of_mobile_developing_secure_mo bile_applications=57231 Appendix A Critical Thinking sextette tramples employ to Draft Your Paper Compose your reflections below. Attitude towards this appellative. I was overwhelmed at first but I took a breath and just followed the suggested path in the instruction manual for the assignment. Step 2. Focus on the accuracy of the assumptions and conclusions.I followed the assignment instructions and highlighted them on my printed stunned sheet as I absolute separately necessary step. Step 3. Break the problems into workable parts. I broke this into easily tackled parts by following(a) apiece step of the instructions. I would worry about each section at a time and act to keep my mind off the length of the entire paper and Just worked on each section as necessary and then move onto the next. Good strategy. Step 4. Do not speak up or Jump to conclusions. I printed out the material for Unit 5 Assignment and highlighted as each step was completed.I used the grading criteria t o hopefully achieve a distinguished grade. Step 5. Employ substantive self-dialogue throughout the process, including written or drawn prompts as hale as spoken words. I printed out my previous draft from Unit 4 and further organized the information, expanding on this information also. I highlighted all referenced material to make sure I did not use the information in more than one section. I also made a lot of notes on the Unit 5 assignment instructions making sure not to forget all that I needed to do. I have a copy of this assignment open as well as to not forget the instructions.Great strategies Step 6. Briefly describe what it felt like to go through the process. I enjoy going through the critical thinking process. It really helps me slow down and do things one at a time. highlighting each step as I complete it and using the grading charts have really helped me in this course to not only know what is expected of me to get a distinguished grade but also so that I do not leave out vital information or miss important steps. 0 Appendix B Critical Thinking Six Steps Used to Revise Your Paper (Unit 6) Step 1. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward solving a problem.I tried to keep a positive attitude throughout this research paper. I became a little prevent after reading my peer reviews. I wasnt sure that some of the suggestions I received were good. I calmed down and Just decided to ask. Step 2. Focus on the accuracy of the assumptions and conclusions. I was faint about some of the suggestions that were given to me by my peers because of instructions that were given to us. I make sure to read all instructions and know that Im doing what Im supposed to but I didnt want to completely throw my peers suggestions out so I wanted to make sure and asked.Step 3. Break the problems into workable parts. I broke this assignment into workable sections by picking one thing to focus on then going to the next. For example I started by reading everyones feedback. I then broke it up and went through my paper first, fixing any spell out mistakes. Next I fixed any citation mistakes that needed corrected. I went over my paper several(prenominal) times working I did not guess or Jump to conclusions. I read all instructions more than once to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to. When I was unsure of a peers suggestions I asked. Step 5.Employ meaningful self-dialogue throughout the process, including written or drawn prompts as well as spoken words. I printed out all feedback and wrote myself notes accordingly. I highlighted all adjustments/notes as I completed them to make sure I didnt forget anything. Step 6. Briefly describe what it felt like to go through the process. I thoroughly enjoy using the critical thinking process. It helps me to ensure Vie do what is expected of me to get a good grade and understand exactly what Im doing. Instructions when you are unblemished finalizing your paper for Unit 6, assignment 1

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan- Dominator of Basketball Who is the best basketball player of all times? Michael Jordan is the superior uncomparable NBA player. He left college after his junior year to join the league. He was drafted by the Chicago Bulls and currently proved himself on the court. Michael Jordan dominated the sport from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s. He led the Chicago Bulls to six internal championships as well as earned the National Basketball Associations (NBA) Most valuable Player Award for five times.This passkey basketball player has accomplished so much more. He is also an Olympic athlete, business entrepreneur, and actor. During the summer of 1984, Jordan make his first appearance in the Olympics. He was a member of the United States basketball team. Jordan helped earned the gold medal at the games. Later, in 1992, he also played on the Dream Team which participated in the Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain. The team soft won the gold medal. Jordan is involved i n a number of business ventures.In 2006, he bought a trade of the Charlotte Bobcats. He joined the teams executive ranks and became a managing member. He landed several authority deals with companies such as Nike, Old Spice and Gatorade. Many popular clothing and shoe designs are invigorate by his talents. He also has vested in several restaurants. Michael Jordan was pushed further into the spotlight as he enters the depiction industry. He was the star actor in the movie Space Jam in 1996. He has made several appearances on the Today Show, ESPN, and even Oprah.It is also very common to view him on gymnastic commercials such as Gatorade ,Nike, and old spice. It is so obvious that Michael Jordan is the one of the most successful, popular, and wealthy athletes in the professional sports history. He still remains the most decorated player in the NBA. Jordan received one of the greatest honors in basketball. He was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. This ac complishment alone proves that Michael Jordan will always be know Because of his Olympic athlete, business entrepreneur, and acting career.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Food is culture, culture is food Essay

A majority of people rightfully do cargon about their wellness when they choose foods to eat. They always think The food they eat mustiness gives their bodies the information and materials they need to function properly. If they dont get the right information, their metabolic processes suffer and their health declines. http//www. takingcharge. csh. umn. edu/explore-healing-practices/food-medicine/how-does-food-impact-health Espcially in Vietnam, most of people always use five fundamental taste elements when theyre cooking.For Vietnamese people, salt is used as the connection between the worlds of the living and the dead. Cooking and eating play an exceedingly important role in Vietnamese husbandry. The word an (eat) is included in a great soma of proverbs and has a large range of semantic extensions. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vietnamese_cuisineCultural_importance Vietnamese cuisine is reflective of the Vietnamese lifestyle from the conceptualisation to how the food is serve d.Going through long phases of war and political conflicts, as well as ethnical shifts, the vast majority of the Vietnamese people have been living in poverty.Therefore, the constituents for Vietnamese food are often very inexpensive but nonetheless, the way they are cooked together to create a yin yang chemical equilibrium make the food simple in look but rich in flavor. Due to economic condition, maximizing the use of ingredients to save money has become a tradition in Vietnamese cooking. http//en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_cuisineFood_in_relation_to_lifestyle.WHAT DOES solid food IS CULTURE, CULTURE IS FOOD MEAN TO YOU? In every plain, theres always have their icons or foods which is symbolize for their country image. Espcially food, in my opinion, food is one of the thing which can be introduced to foreigners about the countrys culture much easier than the other things such as clothes, souvernirs And a lot of countries have shown their culture through the way they cook food, through the way they eat and through the way they use ingredient for their cooking.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Ethical situation in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical accompaniment in business - undertake ExampleThe laws of the government should be such that it testament provide desirable outcome and easier enforcement. And the agents of the society engage in the civil functioning leads to promote security to the individuals in the society (Avina, 2009, p.1). The social office of club in closing down the firms and later on reopening (requested over years) the firms dumping of nutriment instead of donating it to the food banks was a good decision towards social responsibility of the gild. The company can lead to the improvement of the situation indoors the community with the help of coordination with the community leaders and the members of the society in order to reduce the inspiration of crime rates in the concerned area and lead to the establishment of optimal policies which result be implemented. The firm may alike focus on the dimensions of objective performance assessments and that of policy prescriptions paradigm which wi ll be based upon the crucial assessments of the societal trends and best care practices predominant in the local as tumesce as global chain of network (Avina, 2009, pp.1-2). One of the most important ways in enhancing the social responsibility of the company is to properly scrutinize the utilization and visibility of the investments made by the company. The firms would be highly vigilant so that their investments are not under-utilized and that impact should be lowered intensively (Young, 2012). The company should also focus more stringently on the internal practices and control of the staffing management for enhancing the social responsibility of itself. The company must be highly strong in the explicit and the visible support with admire to the commitment from the senior management for the purpose of maintaining the internal controls, ethics and compliances programs or devising strategies which would directed towards the barroom and curbing of graft and mal practices within th e organizations which further accentuates the crime rates of the area. The system of the financial and accounting procedures on with that of systematic internal controls will be highly essential for ensuring the maintenance of fair as well as accurate book records which would be guaranteeing that no amount of money is spent in bribery as well as expropriation by force and coercion. The ethics and compliance program should be also strong enough in the prevention and detection of the foreign bribery (Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics, and Compliance, 2012). The company may work with the other businesses and small scale companies bargain in hand which will provide benefits to the company as well as the businesses and companies in collaboration. Working with the other organizations will create a social unity which can be manifested in fighting against the crime rates. For a strong internal control, the company may engage loss prevention personnel patrol within the sh op itself who will act as real shoppers. They will act as persons who will be trying on different merchandise and stuffs in the shop and simultaneously be vigilant on the shoplifters and thieves and shall stop them while leaving the store. The patrol must be totally sure that the crime has been pull by the convict. In this world of cut throat global competitiveness a large consider of retail companies are applying this technique and the personnel must be following strict rules although there is a very high liability risks attached

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Debate Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Debate - Assignment ExampleAccording to Nelson et al (2011), all children, irrespective of their learning or physical abilities require training on how to become racy people. Resilience is a crucial part of life that all children need to acquire to enable them look at positively with any form of adversity and hardships in life. Positive discipline is an essential aspect that p arnts eject use to teach children to develop positive qualities in life. If parents deny children with disabilities rates of discipline that can stand by them develop these qualities, they lead be denying them something valuable. It will be rational for parents and teachers to discipline children with especial(a) needs in the akin they do typically developing children (Bowers, & Pickhardt, 2011).According to martin (2004), it is a wise thing for parents and teachers to maintain the same levels of discipline to all children. This author argues that keeping a consistency in discipline for all children will conjure up a healthy environment, for them to grow up. It is reasonable for parents and teachers to have inclusive systems for typically growing children and those with special needs. Such inclusion will ensure a balanced attitude among children. Disciplining them differently will promote the development of attitudes that are likely to lead to discrimination. Excluding children with special needs from punishment has the potential to prompt the typically developing children to portray a negative attitude to those excluded.As the Virginia department of education (2010) noted, discipline is a very crucial aspect for children with special needs. The article highlights the fact that even children with special needs are subject to the development of codes of behavior that have negative effects to society just like their typically developing counter parts. Therefore, it is essential for parents and teachers to have this awareness and take preventive measures. Excluding children with speci al needs from

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How we reduce cars on campus by 10% by 2015( Essay

How we reduce cars on campus by 10% by 2015( - Essay ExampleThe available programs function up a shortage of premium quality gain options, poor road pricing, lack priority and preferred parking spaces and it is not flexible enough to counterbalance allow unscheduled role of the vans or even allow one to use it twice or more times. There are sporadic and confined bus services to the campus and this is a promoting factor to the use of personal vehicles to the campus. The public transport with the buses is limited to few restricted routes and thus it does not reach some areas. This forces the students or rounds in those routes to use private means to reach the campus. The other bus services have fixed schedule time that discourages the commuters since they are not assured of getting a vehicle bear out home if he/she cannot confine with the fixed time (Nozzi, 2003). The bus services are also inconvenienced in the routes where the boundaries are placed forcing one to walk and this is more time consuming thus it is better to use the private means. Biking services have both physical and external challenges and it is unrealistic to well-nigh students. This has many challenges since most of the time the weather changes from time to time discouraging most people from development this cheap means. volume of the campus students and staffs sees this mean as unworkable because it does not meet the standards of a campus staff or students and it is viewed as a way of killing self-prestige and respect. Bicycles increase the rate of theft in the campus simply because it is easy to pick on someones bicycle without raising any suspicions (International Police Mountain Bike Association, 2007). The use of buses close to campus seems to have met many challenges ranging from route restriction, conflict in time scheduling and commuting hours. This makes this option in helping reduce car population to 10% by 2015 as being ineffective. This is an important figure because it addresses on how to provide means of improving the infrequent and inconvenient bus services thus boost more people to shift to the ridesharing thus reducing the number of the personal cars in the campus. In the capital punishment of increased ridesharing facility within the campus, a number of steps must be considered which will better the service as compared to how it currently exists. Ridesharing options within campus transport has been approved by a number of environmental watchdogs in the country due to the level of CO2 emission reduction that it creates. In the implementation of this program, supporting sources will have to be created with viable targets being the BC Climate Action Charter and the be Smart BC groups. The ride sharing processes within campus require the presence of a green staff team responsible for the coordination of the exercises each place must also have a cohort deputy to evaluate the prevailing situation in each area before reporting to the green team . shake-up of the royal shared ride services will also need a functional and easy website that makes it easier for the users to interact and access the services. As a means of publishing these services, the green team shall produce brochures and booklets to high spot the advantages of this service and its benefit in eliminating cars in the campus. In addition, staff and students will be taught on the benefits of using RRU services shall be conducted by representatives from the different cohorts. They

Monday, May 13, 2019

The First North Korean Nuclear Crisis during 1993-4 Essay

The First North Korean thermonuclear Crisis during 1993-4 - Essay Examplegh it seems difficult to oppose that view, the crisis was resolved in 1994 when North Korea obeyed the International Atomic strength Agency (IAEA) and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).The situation had been considered as a nuclear crisis when the North Korea withdrew from the NPR on March 12, 1993. This became the onset of the North Korean nuclear crisis which became a major(ip) concern in the external arena. Different countries participated to be able to resolve the problem. These countries include China Japan, Russia and the members of the IAEA which held important roles in the process of subsiding the nuclear crisis. The most important and most affected countries though with the most significant participation in the issue are the South Korea and the United States.For South Korea, the danger had been the fact that the relationship with the Northern locality had been volatile since the civil war. In a ddition, South Korea is facing the Norths dangerous play over the demilitarized zone and the United States, a superpower which deployed about 37,000 American military in the South and vie a leadership in international community. For that matter, South Korea and United States can be considered as the major role players in the resolution of the North Korean nuclear crisis.Many of existing literature on the North Korean nuclear problem tend to focus on political aspects of the program and outline to solve the issue. The political perspective is necessary to analyze the stake of North Korean nuclear program. Although this is the case, it is non sufficient to understand the full scope of a more complicated picture, especially the 1994 crisis which can be considered to be affected by the complicated interaction of history, politics, military and economy.Some published works leave been able to reveal more thoroughly such as Going Critical written by insiders during the crisis. The aut horitative account of the crisis recounts a detail about how

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The crucible by arthur miller, John Proctor's diary Coursework

The crucible by arthur miller, John Proctors diary - Coursework ExampleIt is already night and that is when Reverend Hale came to my house. While Hale was analyse our role in the hagfishcraft, the courts clerk named Cheever was at my doorstep. As soon as I saw him, I became nervous and fe ard that something wrong is about to happen to me. However, when he demanded to see Elizabeth, accusing her of existence involved in the crime of witchcraft, my fear got heightened. I also become very concerned. I could non believe that even a simple doll would be used against Elizabeth. She got frightened and is drowned in tears. The quandary of my children without their mother crossed my mind and made me more anxious and scared. I was guilt ridden as well. I felt that I could have talked about Abigails lies and her wrong intentions in the court earlier itself. I went back further down the memory lane and felt I could have surely avoided the familiarity with this questionable woman. But, I fel t that I cannot be weakened by her arrest. Instead, as she gave me a auf wiedersehen and left the house, I had sworn to myself that I will protect her and will not allow anything unwholesome happen to her.I reached the court to show to the world that Abigail is coming up with these false accusations against my wife imputable to her vengeance against me. I thought that if I could first prove to Governor Danforth that all accusations of witchcraft are false than half of our battle is won. At the same time, I understood that it is not an easy occupation to complete. I feared that the village people have already idealized these afflicted girls. Considering this challenge, I even brought bloody shame rabbit warren to reveal the lies of those girls before the court. However, all these plans of mine were spoiled by the girls who started accusing Mary Warren of witchcraft. Aye, it is all lies. But, I was shocked and helpless when Mary also started accusing me of being a witch along with my wife. Hearing this accusation, I was so angry and at the same time felt hapless. I felt

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Organizational change part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

organizational diversify part 2 - Essay ExampleThe agitate strategy should also consider incoming growth and development of the organization. A convince strategy for organizations includes various elements that have to be c atomic number 18fully analyze before the change subroutine is implemented. These elements include situational awareness, the structures supporting the change, and strategy analysis (Weiner et al, 2009). Situational awareness involves understanding the implications of change on the organizations, knowing who give be affected by the impending change and gathering as much resources and knowledge near the change to be implemented. Supporting structures for organizational change include the team up facilitating the change process and the sponsors of the change process. Strategy analysis involves identification of the risks involved in the change process, either resistance to the change and tactics for implementing the strategy. A good organizational change st rategy must way on all these three elements (Weiner et al, 2009). Internal changes in an organization encounter resistance from certain employees or senior managers who may not be so open to change. This may destabilize the hearty change process if not managed properly. The team charged with the responsibility of managing the change need to stay vigilant passim the whole process for any signs of disapproval for the change and address them as soon as they are discovered (Weiner et al, 2009). The change implementation team ought to be very responsive and responsible throughout the change process. This will enable them to intercede and deal with any threat to the change process before it paralyzes the whole process. In order to deal with resistance effectively, a change strategy needs to address some(prenominal) issues such as commitment, responsibility, advocacy, acknowledgement, flexibility and must have a clear sketch. A clear outline in the change strategy addresses change pol icies and guidelines and the structure of the impending change. These have to be communicated to every employee in advance before the change is implemented (Weiner et al, 2009). Everyone affected by the change has to be committed to the process and they should be given time to speak out their opinions about the intended change so as to foster advocacy for the change. Every ones role in the change process also needs to be clarified in the change strategy so as to ensure every individual in the change team is responsible for their actions. Every successful step of the change process needs to be appreciated and acknowledged just to let everybody know that the organization is moving in the right counseling with the change. The organizations leaders need to use a more flexible approach in the change process so as to ensure any unforeseen contingencies are dealt with appropriately during the process. Methods that will be used to monitor implementation of the proposed change The change in itiative to be implemented involves about of organizational restructuring hence need to be approached with care. This will require a new organizational structure, value and changes in the organizational culture and behavior. The process of hiring new nurses wiling the new nurses will require significant section from every staff member in the organization. The top management will be required to honor and implement the change while the other

Friday, May 10, 2019

Proposal Draft-Terence Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Proposal Draft-Terence - Coursework ExampleOne demographic routinely passed everywhere when it comes to the benefits conferred by technology higher-ranking citizens. While senior citizens could easily benefit from technology in the scent out of improved health care and friendly outcomes, they have trouble adjusting to it. The compelling evidence in the writings suggests technology is less of a cultural resistance and more of a fundamental lack of ready to hand(predicate) learn and literacy.The old generation is incapable of acquiring the computer skills. The elderly creation, today, did not have computers taught in school (Wood, 2010). The modern world requires everyone to possess basic computer skills. When computer access is necessary to pull ahead information, senior citizens find difficulty when lacking computer skills (Wood, 2010). Computer technology services may implicate obtaining government services such as pay slips, banking services, and accessing the performance of their children in school (Suntanto, 2012). The elderly population should learn computers because computers are necessary for adapting to modern society.A cursory examination of the issue introduced above reveals a number of compelling studies provide a meaningful overview of the situation as it stands and its most significant social factors. An examination undertaken in 2011 carried out a survey of large random sampling of senior citizens in order to gauge their views towards interaction with information technology (McMurtrey, 2011). McMurtrey (2011) reveal an important point even if senior citizens do want to learn how to interface with information technology the restriction of access to training or education. Resistance is an issue, which must consider other studies have chosen to look at the issue (Gilly, 2012). The aboriginal obstacle to acceptance seemed to be the usage lack of support stemming from a lack of available training and

Thursday, May 9, 2019

How to fix financial reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

How to fix pecuniary reporting - Essay ExampleSubprime owe crisis has strengthened the need for the way and manner in which listed companies should reveal their financial datas. Majority of the subprime mortgages was securitised through a new kind of risky financial instrument namely Collateralised Debt Obligation ( CDOs) and marketed in the global financial market as coupon bearing bonds. Banks and financial institutions all around the world corroborate invested in CDOs which infected badly the networth of these banks and financial institutions.Critics are of the view that the main culprits were the existing accounting standards employed by the companies as they depicted the financial of the company inaccurately. There is a necessity to enhance the financial intelligibility and dispersal so as to boost the confidence of the investors. The main issue is that the majority of the companies failed to offer an accurate and an exhaustive dissemination of their financial worthiness, which is mirrored by incomplete dissemination of liabilities, not reflecting the real value of the assets and coalesce risk on balance sheets of companies around the world. Both the financial regulators and analysts have demanded that on that point should be an heighten transparency in the revelation of accounting info by companies. Banks which suffered negative networth due to subprime mortgage crisis have called for fair-value accounting for diminished assets is to be annulled to permit the deteriorated credit markets to resurrect.William Isaac damned the Financial Accounting Standards Boards regulation demanding that the assets should be measured as per current market value despite the fact there existed no market for such assets. This rule would compel the companies to write off the values of such afflicted assets, which would end in a decrease in equity and would hamper the future funding from banks. On September 2008, due to pressure exerted from financial

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Human Resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resource management - Essay ExampleIn this era of globalization and organizational integration, adopting selective hiring strategies is incumbent to achieve a huge competitive benefit over rivals. The employees are expected to contribute to extensive product development and process cycles, in which military man resource plays a cardinal role for success (Bergwerk, 1988 Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). A constrained labour market in some economies creates a pressure on HR professionals to recruit the most-efficient task-force. Time becomes a challenging gene in establishing a sound and efficient internal recruitment system (Beaumont and Hunter, 1992 Hallier, 2001 Henderson, 2011 Beaumont and Hunter, 1992).Nowadays, demographic shifts across divers(prenominal) economies are creating problems of getting the efficient labour force and the recruiting appropriate manpower. The problems of attrition and displacement of workforce slide by almost every year. This leads to a high turn- over and shortage of talented candidates, to be retained for a coherent time in companies.The purpose of the present study is to investigate the recruitment and selection practices utilized in a heavy manufacturing sector of the UK. Knowing the good staffing practices by the HR department in an organization, it is necessary to procure employees with good academic record, knowledge, skills and attitude (Belbin, 1981 Bergwerk, 1988 Cook, 2009). This approach results in higher productivity from even newer employees in an organization. Therefore, knowing about the recruitment and staffing practices, particularly for a manufacturing sector, should be used as a ghost practice in organizations (Beaumont and Hunter, 1992 Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). This paper therefore begins with trends in the high value manufacturing labour market of the UK and moves forward to identify the gaps in the system. On the basis of the case analysis of a heavy diesel equipment manufacturing troupe in UK, Cu mmis, this