Wednesday, November 27, 2019
These Are -Some Adjectives
These Are -Some Adjectives These Are â€Å"-Some†Adjectives These Are â€Å"-Some†Adjectives By Mark Nichol The suffix -some has one of three functions. The most common function, the adjectival one, helps us enrich our vocabulary, and in some cases (especially when -some is attached to a heretofore unacquainted noun to create a nonce word) provides a whimsical or otherwise humorous tone. The adjectival use of -some (stemming ultimately from the Old English word for some) aids in characterizing something tangible or intangible. Some -some words are ubiquitous; others may be new to you. Here’s a nearly comprehensive list. 1. Awesome: This term, tragically weakened by hyperbolic usage, originally had the potent sense of â€Å"something inspiring awe.†(Awe, â€Å"a combination of wonder, dread, and profound respect,†came to us from the Old Norse word agi.) As a result, it is best avoided except in the most casual contexts. 2. Adventuresome: In Middle English, aventure meant â€Å"chance, risk†(ultimately from Latin adventus, â€Å"to arrive†). Adventuresome is a close synonym of adventurous, â€Å"inclined to undertake risks.†3. Blithesome: Blithe, which comes down to us unchanged from Old English, means â€Å"happy†or â€Å"heedless†; blithesome refers to the former sense. 4. Bothersome: Bother’s etymology is unknown, but its meaning and that of bothersome is clear: A bother is a worry or an annoyance, and something bothersome arouses those feelings. 5. Burdensome: Burden (from the Middle English word byrthen, â€Å"something born, or carried†) is a load or a responsibility, and the connotation is usually negative, so a burdensome task or duty is an unpleasant one. 6. Chucklesome: This expression, based on the root word chuckle, â€Å"laugh†(itself derived from chuck, a variant of cluck, meaning â€Å"a click of the tongue†) means â€Å"inclined to laugh,†or â€Å"humorous.†7. Cuddlesome: To cuddle (etymology unknown) is to hug, and something cuddlesome is worthy of such attention. 8. Cumbersome: The use of this term’s root word (â€Å"hinder, clutter,†from the Middle French word combre, â€Å"dam†) is rare, though encumber is more familiar. Cumbersome itself means â€Å"unwieldy†or â€Å"ponderous.†9. Dolesome: This synonym for doleful is based on an archaic synonym for grief and means â€Å"sorrowful.†10. Fearsome: Though this word can mean both â€Å"causing fear†and â€Å"feeling fear†(or, more accurately, â€Å"timid†), the former usage prevails. However, a third sense, also more common than the latter, is â€Å"extreme,†as in â€Å"fearsome ambition.†11. Flavorsome: This synonym of flavorful is based on the term ultimately derived from the Latin word flatus, â€Å"breath†(which glad you asked is also the origin of flatulence). 12. Frolicsome: The root word, a borrowing from the Dutch word vroolijk, â€Å"happy,†means â€Å"playful†in English, so frolicsome refers to someone in such a mood. 13. Fulsome: This term, a combination of full and -some, is one of a class of words that have unfortunately acquired contradictory or confusing senses. Actually, fulsome started out that way, with the senses of â€Å"abundant, generous, well developed†competing with â€Å"offensive, overdone, effusive.†Although the negative senses long prevailed, they have been overtaken, though not thoroughly, by the positive ones. The result: Unless the context is clear, your readers may not know which sense you intend to convey. 14. Gladsome: This word, whose root is the word that means â€Å"expressing happiness or joy,†is a synonym for cheerful. 15. Gruesome: This word for something frightening or repulsive stems from the Middle English word gruen, â€Å"to shiver.†The root word is seldom used on its own, usually in horror fiction. 16. Handsome: Of all the some words, this one has perhaps the most interesting etymology. It originated in Middle English when hand, the word for the extension of the arm, was attached to -some to mean â€Å"easy to use.†The meaning was extended to â€Å"appropriate,†and from there is wasn’t too much of a leap to the sense of â€Å"attractive.†17. Irksome: To irk is to weary or irritate, and something irksome arouses those feelings. 18. Lithesome: Lithesome and its variant, lissome, mean â€Å"nimble, flexible,†from an old English word for â€Å"slow.†19. Loathsome: The root word now has a sense of â€Å"reluctant, unwilling,†but the Middle English word loth, from which it stems, means â€Å"evil,†and the modern definition of loathsome is â€Å"disgusting.†20. Lonesome: This word means â€Å"feeling lonely.†21. Lovesome: This term means â€Å"winsome†(see below) or â€Å"affectionate.†22. Meddlesome: Meddle (from the Latin word miscere, â€Å"to mix†) means â€Å"to interfere,†and a meddlesome person, therefore, is a busybody. 23. Mettlesome: The previous term should not be confused with this word for â€Å"spirited,†from mettle, an alteration of metal with the connotation of â€Å"strength, stamina.†24. Nettlesome: This synonym for irritating is based on nettle, the name for any of various plants that sting or have prickly parts. 25. Noisome: The root word for this synonym for harmful or objectionable is not noise but Middle English noy, â€Å"annoyance.†However, considering that noise ultimately stems from the Latin word nausea, which English borrowed directly, perhaps they’re related after all. 26. Quarrelsome: Quarrel (from the Latin word querela, â€Å"complaint†which is also the source of querulous but not of query) means â€Å"to struggle or dispute,†and a quarrelsome person is one inclined to fight or argue. 27. Tiresome: This word’s meaning stems from the senses of tire meaning â€Å"to fatigue or bore.†A tiresome person or situation is one that causes fatigue or boredom. 28. Toilsome: Toil means â€Å"strenuous labor,†and a toilsome task is an unusually laborious one. 29. Toothsome: This synonym for attractive or delicious, with a reference to the toothsome person or provender’s impact on the teeth as an extension of the sense of taste, may seem a fairly recent coinage, but it is in fact hundreds of years old. 30. Troublesome: Trouble (ultimately from the Latin word turbulentus, from which turbulent is also derived) is the root of this word meaning â€Å"difficult, causing trouble.†31. Venturesome: The root word of this term is an alteration of adventure, and venturesome is a synonym of adventuresome (see above), but it has an distinct sense of â€Å"hazardous†as well. 32. Wearisome: This word’s root is a synonym for tired, and wearisome is, likewise, another word for tiresome (see above). 33. Wholesome: The root word is whole (from the Middle English word hool, â€Å"healthy, unhurt, entire,†ultimately from Old English hal, from which we also derive hale), but the word means not only â€Å"healthy†but also â€Å"proper, prudent, safe.†It is the only word on this list with an antonym formed simply by appending the prefix -un. 34. Winsome: The meanings of winsome are â€Å"charming†or â€Å"cheerful,†but the root is derived not from the Old English predecessor of win, as in â€Å"to achieve victory†(winnan, â€Å"struggle†) but from the same language’s term wynn, â€Å"joy.†(However, both winnan and wynn probably ultimately stem from the Latin word venus, â€Å"desire.†) 35. Worrisome: A worrisome thought or deed is simply one that provokes worry, or concern. The other, more pedestrian uses of the suffix -some are to attach it to one of several numbers to indicate a group of people, as in twosome, threesome, and foursome (fivesome and sixsome are also listed in at least one unabridged dictionary, but the suffix is not applied to larger numbers) or to convey an approximation, as in â€Å"Twenty-some people attended the meeting.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesHyper and Hypo50 Musical Terms Used in Nonmusical Senses
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Nabisco Brands History and Timeline
Nabisco Brands History and Timeline In 1898, the New York Biscuit Company and the American Biscuit and Manufacturing Company merged over 100 bakeries into the National Biscuit Company, later called Nabisco. Founders Adolphus Green and William Moore, orchestrated the merger and the company quickly rose to first place in the manufacturing and marketing of cookies and crackers in America. In 1906, the company moved its headquarters from Chicago to New York. Favorites like Oreo Cookies, Barnum’s Animal Crackers, Honey Maid Grahams, Ritz crackers, and Wheat Thins became staples in American snack foods. Later, Nabisco added Planters Peanuts, Fleishmann’s margarines and spreads, A1 Steak Sauce, and Grey Poupon mustards to its offerings. Timeline 1792 Pearson Sons Bakery opens in Massachusetts. They make a biscuit called pilot bread that is consumed on long sea voyages.1801 Josiah Bent Bakery first coined the term crackers for a crunchy biscuit they produce.1889 William Moore acquires Pearson Sons Bakery, Josiah Bent Bakery, and six other bakeries to start the New York Biscuit Company.1890 Adolphus Green starts the American Biscuit Manufacturing Company after acquiring forty different bakeries.1898 William Moore and Adolphus Green merge to form the National Biscuit Company. Adolphus Green is president.1901 The name Nabisco is first used as part of a name for a sugar wafer.1971 Nabisco becomes the corporate name.1981 Nabisco merges with Standard Brands.1985 Nabisco Brands merges with R.J. Reynolds.1993 Kraft General Foods acquires NABISCO ready-to-eat cold cereals from RJR Nabisco.2000 Philip Morris Companies, Inc. acquires Nabisco and merges it with Kraft Foods, Inc.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nantucket Nectars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nantucket Nectars - Essay Example Another source of short term finance is life savings. Tom and Tom with their lifetime savings of $17,000 were able to undertake some expansion. Like Nantucket Nectars, entrepreneurs like Tom and Tom did can borrow funds from local financial institutions or individuals. Short term borrowings may be in form of overdrafts with limits set by banks and interest charged at variable rates set by the banks. Short term loans may also extend up to a period of three years; such sources of cash do not require much collateral, hence easy access. Before short term lending is extended to firms’, factors such as purpose, amount, repayment period, term and security are considered and ascertained (Pride, William, Robert 2011). As a matter of urgency if deemed so, a company may welcome wealthy individuals who pump money into the business at the exchange of a percentage of shareholding. The sales director of Nantucket nectars advises that mike Egan be allowed to bring in $600,000 for the exchange with 50% of the company. Out of the companies profits it can decide to plough back some amount to grow the business in form of retained earnings. Though this means has a direct impact on dividends since it reduces the amount earned by shareholders hence they may complain (Pride, William, Robert 2011). Retained earnings are attractive sources of cashing in since managers think they don’t cost anything, it is at their discretion to make dividend decisions. Also retained earnings as opposed to issuing new shares help the firm to evade issue costs and this method also helps the management avoid change of control. Another factor which facilitates the consideration of retained earnings is the financial and taxation levels of the existing shareholders. If due to taxation, they would receive capital profit realizable only during taxation of shares sold than receive current income then retained earnings is preferred to other methods. Businesses can still cash in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marketing an Online Casino Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marketing an Online Casino - Essay Example Another method that can be applied for making the potential customers aware about the domain is to prepare a mailing list of the rich clients to foreword the invitation to them. So it is a crucial issue in front of the company to prepare an appropriate mailing list. Proper inspection while creating the mailing list will help the company to focus on the highly potential clients. Campaigning through emails is of higher relevance for the company. "An attractive email marketing campaign can open up new avenues of communication with site clients, vendors, prospective advertisers and your online community in general." (Email Campaign Marketing. 2006). Marketing of the domain is a hectic job for the company. The customers expected by the company are very rich people. The rich people cannot easily be contacted by the company as they will be busy most of the time. The company needs to develop a close relation with such customers. For that the executives of the company must meet the prospective customers personally. This is, however, not always possible. In most of the cases a person needs to take appointment to meet them. For this the executives must first collect the contact numbers and addresses of the rich persons. This can be available from the showrooms of expensive cars, already existing casino's etc. After collecting the contact details they should be called upon to fix the date. They must be made aware of the features of the casino. Some other clients can be met from the venue where they are supposed to be present for some functions. Example: Sam Walton can be met from the venue of Val Mart's general meeting, Tom Cruise can be met from his shooting site, and Britney Spears can be met at the venue of her music concert and so on. The usual strategies employed by most of the domains for internet advertisement are affiliate marketing, search engine optimisation, web banner, campaigning through emails and news letters and pay per click campaigns. Here the primary motive of the company is to invite rich customers to join the casino. Registration is provided by the company only if they are invited. Therefore, the company cannot employ the usual e-business marketing strategies. Among the common strategies the company can adopt only campaigning through emails and web banner for their market positioning. Rest of the strategies are irrelevant from the company's perception. Web banner: Web banner is one of the most efficient methods of internet advertising. In this, a banner displaying images is placed on the home page of popular websites or on any other webpage so that the users who visit those websites are informed about the domain. Banner with images displaying in flash player are the most common type of such advertisements used at present. It is usually placed on the website that is mostly visited by the users. This is a highly efficient method of advertisement as the banners are easily seen by the users. The company can use this strategy only to publicise the casino. For this purpose the company should place the banner in those websites that the richer groups are expected to visit. These sites are generally the websites of any online portal for sale of highly expensive commodities. There are certain other websites where one can register for the order of any such product. An example for such kind of website
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Technology Review and Integration Plan Essay Example for Free
Technology Review and Integration Plan Essay In the 80’s children normally depended on flash card, heavy encyclopedia, libraries and their parents to learn. When the age of personal computers (PC) started to gain momentum in the 90’s, children started to experience computer programs that help them learn. In the late 90’s multimedia application distributed in Compact Disc (CD) can be installed into computer to provide an interactive learning for children. Just recently with the dramatic growth of the internet, nearly all children have access to an internet connected PC. This also boosts the demand for educational websites that provide learning tools either for a fee or completely free. There are probably millions of websites that can be classified as educational but only few studies that directs us which website are best for our teachers, parents and students. This paper examines educational websites for children by going through at least five educational websites. Then from these five, detailed comparison is done on three best educational website found. Technology Review and Integration Plan The internet which connects computers and servers around the world is now the leading source of information. Vast amount of data can be gathered from internet. One of the very useful websites for teachers, parents and students are educational websites. They come either for free or for a certain fee. Free educational websites normally earn through advertisement. Five of the most notable children’s educational website are http://funschool. kaboose. com/, http://www. kidsknowit. com/, http://www. teach-nology. com/, http://www. kbears. com/, and http://nobelprize. org/. The best characteristic of the Knowledge Bears website is the futuristic submarine like graphical interface. This feature makes the site very attractive and easy to use. Although on the other side, since it is full of flash interactive animation, it loads relatively slower than a more text oriented website like the KidsKnowIt. com website. One of the most interesting features of the Funschool Kaboose Website is the kid oriented look of the graphical user interface like the one shown in Figure 2. This makes it easy for kids to understand the usage of the site. The negative side of this site is that it is more of games than information. Each link are consists of educational games. This makes it less informative than the two other educational websites. The KidsKnowit website contains a simple interface that allows it to be loaded quickly in any internet browser. It has more topics and more information than the Knowledge Bears and Funschool Kaboose website. Although it has some disadvantages compared to other sites, but overall, from cost, ease of use, availability, reliability and learning outcome this site proves to be better. Even with the distracting Google ads, the KidsKnowIt website still gives the best experience. It would be easy to integrate these educational websites into the classroom. First, time must be allotted in every subject to learn from these sites. Then initially, an overview should be given to all the children how to navigate through these website’s educational tools. Then some rules must be set as to how long, what areas and what objectives must be met every time the students visit this site. Finally, an evaluation procedure such as how fast they accomplish the games or an exam about the subject matter must be provided to check the progress of learning.With all of these put in place, then there is no doubt that these sites will be very helpful in teaching students. References About us: Kidsknowit Network Outreach Program. Retrieved August 15, 2008, from Kidsknowit Web site: http://www. kidsknowit. com/about. php About us: Kbears. com . Retrieved August 16, 2008, from Knowledge Bears Website http://www. kbears. com/about. html Main Page: Kidsknowit. com. THE TOTALLY FREE CHILDREN’S LEARNING NETWORK. Retrieved August 16, 2008, from KidsKnowIt Website http://www. kidsknowit. com/
Friday, November 15, 2019
heroin Essay -- essays research papers
Society today has been clouded and somewhat overtaken by social drugs. Wherever you may look, a drug is being used, whether it is more commonly a cigarette being smoked on the street, or the covert teens smoking marijuana in secluded areas. In any case, there is not one person who can say drug use is not prevalent, since society has made it clear through news, music and everyday life. However, there are certain drugs that seem to be worse than others, and society once again has taught us that through our laws and restrictions. The worse the drug, the more you pay for having it. Basically, drugs have become a part of our life, and you never know when they can land on your doorstep.      An illegal drug, which has taken firm ground in society, is heroin. Heroin is one of the most used â€Å"hard†drugs in society today. Even though it is illegal, surveys have proved that many people have done and are still doing heroin. The worst part is that heroin is classified as having the worst addiction and withdrawal symptoms than any other drug. Heroin is known as â€Å"H†or â€Å"Brown†, and is related to other drugs because of its elementary foundation.      Heroin is related to morphine and codeine, since all three are derived from the opium poppy plant. They are called opiates, and are found in the dried â€Å"milk†of opium poppy seeds. Morphine and codeine are both very effective painkillers and are used for medical uses, such as cough medicines and after surgery painkillers. However, these drugs can form a quick dependency in the people that use them, and therefore must be used with caution.      The opium poppy plant and its use date back as far as 6000-year-old Sumerian texts. The Sumerians are an ancient people, and referred to the poppy plant as the â€Å"joy plant.†In either the 7th or 8th centuries, it is believed that Arab traders brought opium to China, where it was used as medicine. At about the 17th century, it was realized that opium could be smoked. Later on m the Portuguese, then the British were supplying China with most of its opium. Britain would also sell opium to India to be smuggled into China, and in turn, the Chinese government would destroy the opium imports before it reached China. This little plant sparked two wars between China and Britain, and in conclusion, Britain received Hong Kon... ...tes to relieve withdrawal symptoms, and the person can be okay without the drug. Within detox, a person can talk to a counselor, so while their body is becoming physically better, psychologically they can be helped. Heroin addicts definitely need psychological help. Their minds tend to focus on getting more heroin and doing whatever they can to get it. This is so even if it means stealing or hurting friends and family. In conclusion, heroin is a disgusting drug, which can harm you and take away important time of your life. It is easy to overdose, you mess with the way you think, and the way your nervous system works. Heroin is the most addictive drug out there because the symptoms you get when you don’t have it are absolutely horrible. Synthetic opiates such as LAAM and methadone are drugs that can help a person get the physical experience, but still becoming free of the drug itself. The abuse of Heroin can destroy a person’s life, their friendships, and their bodies. When someone is addicted to heroin, they not only hurt themselves, they hurt the people who love them. Heroin Abuse and Addiction.†     â€Å"Opiates/Heroin.† heroin Essay -- essays research papers Society today has been clouded and somewhat overtaken by social drugs. Wherever you may look, a drug is being used, whether it is more commonly a cigarette being smoked on the street, or the covert teens smoking marijuana in secluded areas. In any case, there is not one person who can say drug use is not prevalent, since society has made it clear through news, music and everyday life. However, there are certain drugs that seem to be worse than others, and society once again has taught us that through our laws and restrictions. The worse the drug, the more you pay for having it. Basically, drugs have become a part of our life, and you never know when they can land on your doorstep.      An illegal drug, which has taken firm ground in society, is heroin. Heroin is one of the most used â€Å"hard†drugs in society today. Even though it is illegal, surveys have proved that many people have done and are still doing heroin. The worst part is that heroin is classified as having the worst addiction and withdrawal symptoms than any other drug. Heroin is known as â€Å"H†or â€Å"Brown†, and is related to other drugs because of its elementary foundation.      Heroin is related to morphine and codeine, since all three are derived from the opium poppy plant. They are called opiates, and are found in the dried â€Å"milk†of opium poppy seeds. Morphine and codeine are both very effective painkillers and are used for medical uses, such as cough medicines and after surgery painkillers. However, these drugs can form a quick dependency in the people that use them, and therefore must be used with caution.      The opium poppy plant and its use date back as far as 6000-year-old Sumerian texts. The Sumerians are an ancient people, and referred to the poppy plant as the â€Å"joy plant.†In either the 7th or 8th centuries, it is believed that Arab traders brought opium to China, where it was used as medicine. At about the 17th century, it was realized that opium could be smoked. Later on m the Portuguese, then the British were supplying China with most of its opium. Britain would also sell opium to India to be smuggled into China, and in turn, the Chinese government would destroy the opium imports before it reached China. This little plant sparked two wars between China and Britain, and in conclusion, Britain received Hong Kon... ...tes to relieve withdrawal symptoms, and the person can be okay without the drug. Within detox, a person can talk to a counselor, so while their body is becoming physically better, psychologically they can be helped. Heroin addicts definitely need psychological help. Their minds tend to focus on getting more heroin and doing whatever they can to get it. This is so even if it means stealing or hurting friends and family. In conclusion, heroin is a disgusting drug, which can harm you and take away important time of your life. It is easy to overdose, you mess with the way you think, and the way your nervous system works. Heroin is the most addictive drug out there because the symptoms you get when you don’t have it are absolutely horrible. Synthetic opiates such as LAAM and methadone are drugs that can help a person get the physical experience, but still becoming free of the drug itself. The abuse of Heroin can destroy a person’s life, their friendships, and their bodies. When someone is addicted to heroin, they not only hurt themselves, they hurt the people who love them. Heroin Abuse and Addiction.†     â€Å"Opiates/Heroin.†
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
In view of what we know of Beatrice and Benedick from Act I and Act II, Scene I, how realistic is Don Pedro’s aim to bring them together?
Beatrice and Benedick are the two major characters in ‘Much Ado About Nothing' that provide comic relief. Their ‘merry wars' of words and phrases as described by Leonato, are frequently throughout the play examples of Shakespeare's magnificent ability to bring about amusement in his plays. In Act I and Act II scene I, Beatrice and Benedick are reunited after Benedick and the other soldiers return from war. Beatrice almost instantly jumps into a frenzy of lyrically punishing Benedick, who after a war of men begins a war of words. From the beginning of the play even before Beatrice and Benedick begin their battle of wit, it is evident to the audience that she has some kind of strong feelings for him, whether they are feelings of hate or of lust or of something in between or that they. Thought their insults are biting, their ability to maintain such clever, interconnected sparring seems to illustrate the existence of a strong bond between them. This is shown when the messenger arrives to bring the news that the war is won and the heroes are soon to return. The conversation focuses on Count Claudio and his bravery, ‘the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion,' however Beatrice almost instantly changes the subject by asking the messenger if ‘Signior Mountanto returned from the wars or no?' Although this is an insult, it is evident that Beatrice could not wait to find out how Benedick was. The audience are instantly given the impression that she disguises her feelings for him. She continues talking about Benedick with the messenger and Leonato, who states that ‘There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her; they never meet, but there's a skirmish of wit between them'. Beatrice argues back that ‘in our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.He hath every month a new sworn brother†¦.he wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat,' meaning that he has no true friends and he changes his faith as often as he changes his hat. To add to this, the other soldiers who return from battle, who bear prominence in the play are Don Pedro and Claudio. Claudio is instantly paired up with Hero, although this does not officially happen until the party later that night, on stage and in films they stare at each other as if love struck. The same goes to Beatrice and Benedick at the reunion, except they do not stare at each other as if love struck but moreover as if they cannot wait to resume their ‘merry war'. This feeling becomes quite obvious when Beatrice speaks almost instantly after Benedick enters the conversation, it is as if he cannot be part of something without her being part of it as well, even if she is bullying him. Shortly after everyone leaves the stage apart from Benedick and Claudio. Claudio expresses how Hero has caught his eye and Benedick dismisses her as ‘too short'. From this conversation we learn that Benedick thinks he will never fall in love and does not believe in marriage. ‘I will do myself the right to trust none; and the fine is, for the which I may go the finer, I will live a bachelor', in turn this casts a shadow of doubt over any forecasts that members of the audience could have made about Beatrice and Benedick being paired up. However, from the beginning it is obvious that Benedick is an entertaining character and unlike his counterparts Don Pedro and Claudio, what he says is not taken especially seriously. Furthermore, at the beginning of Act II Scene I Beatrice also reveals herself as anti-marriage, ‘Just if he send me no husband; for which I am upon my knees every morning and evening.' She adds to this statement by stating that she imagines married people go to hell and single people do not, however in addition to this she says, ‘he shows me where the bachelors sit, and there live we as merry as the day is long,' this suggests that she hopes to have some kind of fun with bachelors in the future which brings us back to Benedick's belief that he will always remain a bachelor. From the end of Act I and the beginning of Act II Scene I we have learnt that both Beatrice and Benedick possess anti-marriage views, but given that they are both histrionic and insecure characters, nothing can be taken for granted. It is noticeable that Beatrice talks about Benedick a lot and often in conversations about subjects that bear no relation to him, she finds a way of interpreting the conversation to make him the fundament – usually criticising him of course. For example at the very beginning of Act II when Leonato and Antonio are having a conversation about Don John's absence at supper, she compares him with Benedick abruptly. This furthers the readers/ members of audience beliefs that she has an interest in Ben. Beatrice and Benedick are perhaps Shakespeare's most famously witty characters, neither ever lets the other say something without countering it with a pun or criticism. One notable characteristic of their attacks upon each other is their ability to extend a metaphor throughout lines of dialogue. When Benedick calls Beatrice a ‘rare parrot-teacher,' Beatrice responds, ‘a bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours'. Benedick continues the reference to animals in his response saying, ‘I would my horse had the speed of your tongue'. It is as if each anticipates the other's response. It is suggested in Act I Scene I that Beatrice and Benedick have previously been lovers, but Benedick led Beatrice on, perhaps this is where her viciousness towards him stems from. This is suggested in this quotation: ‘Benedick set up his bills here in Messina and challenged Cupid at the flight, and my uncles fool, reading the challenge, subscribed for Cupid,' she describes a battle of love between herself and Benedick which she has lost. At the masked ball later that night Beatrice dances with Benedick, the audience is unsure whether she simply does not recognise him due to his mask, or pretends not to recognise him. Nonetheless, she cleverly insults him, leaving him a nervous wreck as he cannot reveal himself to be Benedick. ‘Why, he is the prince's jester: a very dull fool; only his gift is in devising slanders†¦..and the commendation is not in his wit, but in his villainy.' She is mocking him and saying that his jokes are boring and nobody finds them amusing. I believe that Don Pedro's aim to bring together Beatrice and Benedick is reasonably realistic. There are many times in Act I and Act II Scene I that the thought of the two of them marrying seems almost impossible. For example when Benedick swears he will ‘live a bachelor', and when Beatrice is on her knees every morning and evening thanking God that she does not have a husband. However, Beatrice and Benedick are both very melodramatic and provide most of the comedy in the play, this gives the reader the view that what they swear cannot be taken as seriously as for example Claudio. From the beginning of the play, it is obvious that there is a strong bond between them. It appears that the ‘skirmish of wit' between them is a cover up for what is a strong bond underneath all the exchanging of criticisms. In act I, Beatrice shows that she thinks about Benedick a lot, by asking the messenger if he has returned from war and by talking almost every time he says something. This also shows in the first scene of Act II when she brings him into the conversation at the masked ball out of the blue. In the end, Don Pedro's plan was a success.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Value of Diversity in the Workplace
The global workplace has made diversity a significant issue. Companies have to adjust how they operate so they can accommodate the diverse customer base that is growing. It is important for any organization to consist of employees who can bring different skills, abilities, and culture to workplace. Developing effective intercultural communication within the workplace will allow the connection between employees and customers with different cultural backgrounds and languages. Introduction In today’s society, a diverse workforce is needed to accommodate the different multicultural backgrounds that make it up.The value of diversity in a workplace is important because of the different sets of skills and backgrounds a company has to offer when trying to solve conflicts and provide effective solutions. This paper will recap an incident that happened at an insurance agency because of the lack of diversity, along with the ramifications, and strategies that may have facilitated a more s uccessful resolution. Diversity issue in the workplace I have experienced how lack of diversity in the workplace can cause conflict for the organization. A few years back I worked for an insurance agency in south Louisiana.The agency consisted of the head agent and owner, who is a male, and four women who worked for him, to include myself. One day a Hispanic couple came in to purchase some insurance policies for their home and vehicles. The issue was the couple spoke only Spanish. The percentage of Hispanics in south Louisiana was very low at the time and there was not a high demand for bilingual employees who spoke Spanish. Because of the lack of diversity in the office, none of the employees spoke fluent Spanish to help the potential new customers. The employees who knew a little Spanish tried to communicate as best they could but to no avail.The couple became very angry at the insurance agency’s poor attempt to communicate with them. They left the office outraged and state d that would never recommend this company to anyone. Ramifications As a result of this lack of diversity in the insurance agency, the agency itself, employees, and potential customers were impacted. The agency lost a customer and revenue because of a lack of diversity in the office. Not only did the company lose one customer but also the potential of future customers that may be recommended from the couple.This issue left the employees upset and stressed about not being able to help a customer. Since the start of business the agency has been a customer- oriented company, and has taken pride in providing the best customer service in the area. This situation left the owner distraught because he lost potential income for his business. To make matters worse, the couple filed a complaint against the agency for not having a bilingual employee in the office. The agency had never received a negative complaint for customer service.Strategies. Diversity in the workplace can help companies avo id unnecessary issues in the workplace. Diversity also gives the company leverage over their competitors. In smaller companies a lack of diversity is almost inevitable, but if approached in the right way it can be avoided. The diversity issue the insurance agency was faced with could have been resolved if the agency had been aware of the influx of the Hispanic population in south Louisiana. In order to stay ahead of the competition, the agency should have kept up on the different types of people moving into the area.In order for the insurance agency to address the lack of diversity for the possibility of future occurrences, the hiring protocol the agency follows will need to be modified. â€Å"A diverse collection of skills and experiences (e. g. languages, cultural understanding) allows a company to provide service to customers on a global basis†(Greenburg, 2004). The possible issue that may arise from this protocol is finding a qualified person with this skill. This approa ch though would not benefit the agency right away because of the low turn around of employees and the low number of employees the agency is able to keep employed.Another way to address the issue would be for the insurance agency to pay for at least one, if not all, of the employees to attend a class that teaches the Spanish language. This task may be hard for the insurance agency to complete because of funding and for the employees because of extra time needed to attend the class. For the future, this type of training would benefit the insurance agency by increasing the potential number of customers it can provide a service to. Conclusion Diversity is becoming a necessity in the workplace in today’s global working environment.A multicultural society forces companies to employ a diverse workforce so they can adapt â€Å"to fluctuating markets and customer demands†(Greenburg, 2004). Having a diverse workforce will appeal to a larger diverse customer base that will benef it the growth for any company.ReferencesGreenberg, J. (2004). Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions. The Multicultural Advantage: Career Management and Job Info for Professionals from Diverse Backgrounds. Retrieved from http://www. multiculturaladvantage. com/recruit/diversity/Diversity-in-the-Workplace-Benefits-Challenges-Solutions. asp
Friday, November 8, 2019
Crows, Ravens and Jays - Corvidae - The Animal Encyclopedia
Crows, Ravens and Jays - Corvidae - The Animal Encyclopedia Crows, ravens and jays (Corvidae) are a group of perching birds that also includes jackdaws, rooks, magpies, nutcrackers, choughs and treepies. In total, there are more than 120 species that belong to the crow family. Crows, ravens and jays are medium to large birds. The group includes the largest members of the perching birds. Many crows, ravens and jays have large wingspans. They have a robust body, strong feet and sturdy bills. Their nares (nasal openings) are fringed by bristle-like feathers known as rictal bristles. In temperate areas, most members of the group are partly or entirely black, blue, iridescent blue or iridescent purple. Some species, such as the magpies and jays, are more varied in color. They might have plumage with a mixture of black, white, grey and blue markings. Members of this group of birds are thought to be highly intelligent, not just among birds but among all animals. Crows and rooks have demonstrated tool making abilities while European magpies have exhibited self-awareness in mirror tests. Many members of the crow family establish and protect territories either during the breeding season or throughout the year. When threatened, some corvids can defend their offspring or territories aggressively and are known to attack large animals such as other birds, dogs or cats. Many species of corvids form social groups and hierarchies for foraging and breeding. Many species of corvids have flourished in human environments. But while such species have enjoyed healthy populations, a few corvids have experienced declines. Examples of threatened members of the crow family include the Florida scrub jay, the Mariana crow and the New Zealand raven. Crows and their relatives form strong pair bonds and in some species this association is life-long. In most species, nests are constructed in trees or on rock ledges. Nests are built using twigs, grass and other plant materials. Females lay between 3 and 10 eggs and young fledge after about 10 days. The largest member of the crow family is the common raven which grows to more than 26 inches in length and weighs 3 pounds. The smallest member of the crow family is the dwarf jay which grows to about 8 inches and weighs little more than an ounce. Crows, ravens and jays have a nearly-worldwide distribution. They are absent from only the southern tip of South America and the polar regions. The group is most diverse in tropical regions of Central America, South America, Asia and Europe. Most members of the crow family do not migrate although when food shortages occur, populations do relocate. Classification Animals Chordates Birds Perching Birds Crows, Ravens and Jays The crows, ravens and jays are divided into about a dozen subgroups, some of which include New World jays, grey jays, azure-winged magpies, Holarctic magpies, Stresemanns bushcrow, piapiac, true crows, nutcrackers, Old World jays, Oriental magpies, treepies and choughs. The crow family is thought to have originated in Australia and spread throughout the world. The closest relatives of the crows, ravens and jays are thought to be the birds of paradise and shrikes. There remains considerable ambiguity regarding the exact lineages and their relationships within the crow family. The earliest members of the crow family date back about 17 million years ago to the middle Miocene. Known fossils include Miocorvus, Miocitta, Miopica and Henocitta. Crows, ravens and jays feed a variety of foods including small mammals, birds, invertebrates as well as fruits, seeds and berries. Some members of the crow family feed on insects such as grasshoppers while others feed on carrion.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Qué información tienen en control migratorio de USA
Quà © informacià ³n tienen en control migratorio de USA Mediante el sistema TECS, los oficiales en los controles migratorios tienen acceso a una gran informacià ³n sobre los extranjeros que desean ingresar a Estados Unidos. Pero,  ¿quà © tipo de informacià ³n contiene TECS?  ¿Quà © problemas pueden surgir?  ¿Quà © es el sistema TECS de informacià ³n en control migratoriode USA? TECS es una plataforma informtica gestionada por la Policà a de Control de Fronteras (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que es parte del Departamento de Seguridad Internet (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En realidad es un sistema de sistemas donde diversas agencias ingresan informacià ³n para que los oficiales de la CBP puedan verificarla respecto a cada extranjero que quiere internarse en el paà s. Entre las agencias que suministran informacià ³n a destacan: El FBILas embajadas y consulados americanosLas cortes de JusticiaEl IRS, que es la agencia tributaria de Estados UnidosLas policà as locales y estatales.  ¿Quà © sistemas operan dentro de TECS y cà ³mo afectan en la prctica a los viajeros? US-VISIT. Al llegar a la aduana americana, se le toma una foto y las huellas dactilares a la mayorà a de los extranjeros. Este sistema permite compararlas con las dadas en el momento de solicitar la visa en consulado o embajada. Asà , se impide que una persona utilice el pasaporte de otra para intentar ingresar a Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n sirve para evitar que los extranjeros con dos pasaportes intenten utilizar uno de ellos cuando se les ha denegado la visa americana con el otro. Por ejemplo, un venezolano que tambià ©n es espaà ±ol. Si solicità ³ el visado como venezolano y la solicitud le fue rechazada, luego no puede pretender ingresar con el espaà ±ol, aprovechando que a los ciudadanos de Espaà ±a no se les pide visa para visitas de turismo. Con US-VISIT el oficial de aduanas se da cuenta de que est ante una persona con la visa denegada y posiblemente le impida internarse en el paà s. APIS. Es el sistema por el que las aerolà neas comunican a las autoridades americanas que un extranjero ha comprado un boleto de avià ³n y pretende viajar hacia Estados Unidos. Entre la informacià ³n que transmiten se encuentra: nombre, apellidos, fecha de nacimiento, gà ©nero y lugar de expedicià ³n del pasaporte. Las aerolà neas tambià ©n colaboran comunicando cuando un extranjero embarca en uno de sus aviones cuando sale de Estados Unidos, con lo que la CBP puede saber inmediatamente si ha excedido la estancia autorizada. Recuerda que si no sales a tiempo, asà sea por unas pocas horas, la visa se cancela y los del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas ya no pueden disfrutar de ese privilegio. Adems, si la estancia sin permiso fue superior a seis meses, aplica el castigo o penalidad de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os. IAFIS. Busca en una gran base de datos del huellas dactilares del FBI, al que previamente autoridades policiales locales y estatales han enviado informacià ³n. Asà se puede saber prcticamente al momento si el extranjero que desea entrar en Estados Unidos tiene un rà ©cord criminal y proceder a su detencià ³n o expulsià ³n. En la actualidad IAFIS alberga ms de 55 millones de expedientes, siendo la mayor base de datos del mundo de esta naturaleza. Otros sistemas a destacar dentro de TECS son IDENT y ENFORCE. Adems, el oficial de la CBP puede incorporar informacià ³n nueva como su impresià ³n sobre el extranjero o el resultado de una pequeà ±a conversacià ³n: a quà © viene, por cunto tiempo, dà ³nde se va a alojar, etc.  ¿Quà © sucede cuando el oficial de la CBP tiene acceso a la informacià ³n TECS? En la mayorà a de los casos tramitar muy rpidamente la autorizacià ³n de la entrada del extranjero. En la actualidad ms de 900,000 personas pasan a diario por las fronteras americanas. En una media de 32,000 casos diarios ser necesario una segunda inspeccià ³n. De ellos, se calcula que a unos 15 se acceder a la informacià ³n de sus aparatos electrà ³nicos, como telà ©fonos, computadoras, cmaras de fotos, tabletas, etc. Son casos muy extraordinarios y generalmente responde a asuntos relacionados con la seguridad nacional, terrorismo o delitos particularmente horrendos como la pornografà a infantil o narcotrfico. La gran mayorà a de las personas que deben pasar a una inspeccià ³n secundaria no tendrn ningà ºn problema y se les permitir entrar tras un pequeà ±o retraso para comprobacià ³n de datos. Si bien es posible que en determinados casos a un extranjero se le autorice el ingreso pero se le de una citacià ³n para presentarse ante un juez de inmigracià ³n. Esto sà ³lo pasa si asà lo decide el oficial de inmigracià ³n (no es un derecho del extranjero) y como requisito previo es necesario que tenga al menos una visa en vigor. Es decir, no aplica a las personas autorizadas a viajar sin visa, segà ºn el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados, que no van a ser enviadas a un juez si surgen problemas. Y finalmente a un total aproximado de 210,000 personas al aà ±o se les prohibe la entrada y son devueltas al lugar donde originà ³ su viaje. En estos casos dos situaciones pueden ocurrir: Que el oficial de inmigracià ³n permita una retirada de la peticià ³n de entrar, que es lo ms ventajoso.Que se ordene una expulsià ³n inmediata, con lo que el afectado tiene prohibido el regreso a a EEUU por cinco aà ±os. Adems, su visa actual se ha cancelado. Y si se trata de una persona del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas ya no podr viajar con la ESTA y necesitar solicitar previamente a viajar una visa en el consulado. Hay que tener muy en cuenta que para que una persona extrajera pueda ingresar a Estados Unidos en todo momento tiene que reunir dos condiciones: ser elegible y ser inadmisible. Y es que tener una visa vigente o ser de un paà s que permite viajar sin visa no es suficiente. Estas son 22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible y 20 que la convierten en inelegible. Estas razones tienes consecuencias en los consulados a la hora de aprobar una visa o su renovacià ³n y tambià ©n en los controles migratorios de Estados Unidos.  ¿Quà © hacer si siempre te envà an a inspeccià ³n secundaria, te hacen perder vuelos de enlace, crees que hay informacià ³n errà ³nea sobre ti en el sistema? El DHS tiene un sistema para poder comunicar esas quejas e intentar subsanar posibles errores. Lo que hay que entender es que los extranjeros no tienen un derecho a entrar en Estados Unidos, aunque tengan visa en vigor. Y, por lo tanto, no hay ninguna violacià ³n de un derecho que no existe. No se puede demandar, ya que no hay derecho que exigir. Sà se puede intentar arreglar errores o dejar pasar el tiempo en caso de castigos por determinadas acciones. A tener en cuenta Es posible que una persona que nunca haya tenido ningà ºn problema para ingresar, un dà a se encuentre con que es parada y no se le permite. Eso puede deberse a que ciertos elementos pueden ser interpretados y analizados de manera distinta, segà ºn el oficial de inmigracià ³n que toque, por ejemplo,  ¿cà ³mo se determina si una persona tiene intencià ³n de quedarse dentro de EEUU? Un agente puede verlo de una manera y otro de otra. Pero tambià ©n es posible que simplemente se haya introducido en TECS un dato que hasta ese momento no figuraba. Puede ser reciente o viejo. Y una vez que le consta al oficial de la CBP determinadas actividades decide prohibir la entrada. Por otro lado, la frontera terrestre, especialmente con Mà ©xico- tambià ©n se protege con aparatos tecnolà ³gicos de à ºltima generacià ³n, aà ºn sin la construccià ³n del muro propuesto por el presidente Trump. Finalmente, tener presente que no sà ³lo la CBP tiene acceso a TECS sino ms agencias del gobierno estadounidense como NCIC y NLETS, e incluso se le permite al CPIC que es de Canad. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Effects of earthquakes on people and properties Research Paper
Effects of earthquakes on people and properties - Research Paper Example The highest ever disaster caused by an earthquake occurred on January 24, 1556 taking a toll of 8, 30,000 lives in Shensi province of China. Affected people bear the risk of loosing their property, as the whole city gets changed into debris. There is double burden of evacuation besides the property damage, which is equally torturing as is the occurrence of an earthquake. After being evacuated people are compelled to live under the sky as the property is destroyed (Asimov 1998). Powerful earthquakes put people and property in danger by swaying buildings and creating cracks beneath resulting in landslides. Such powerful earthquakes have caused huge destruction of property including bridges, water tanks, sewer, and utility services the world over wherever they have occurred. Damage increases multifold where soil is soft due to water saturation, which enlarges the circumference of ground movements. On slanting slopes, soil starts falling during the occurrence of earthquakes, causing landslides. Tsunami is an indirect reaction of earthquake, causing more loss of life and property than the earthquake itself because of powerful sea waves (USGS 1997). The effect of earthquakes is measured through their intensity and magnitude. Intensity of the earthquake is measured by the violence of feeling its impact at different places of the affected area. The magnitude of the violence is decided by the effect on buildings, grounds, and the people. The intensity scale of determining the loss of people and property is different for different countries. In most of the America, the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale having 12 intensity levels is used. Earthquake of intensity I is hardly felt. Intensity II is noticed by people resting on the top floors of the building. Earthquake of intensity III is felt while remaining inside of the upper floor buildings. Effect of intensity IV can be
Friday, November 1, 2019
Casual Reasoning & Science and Hypothesis Essay
Casual Reasoning & Science and Hypothesis - Essay Example The need of oxygen for fire is sufficient condition and that cannot be blamed for the disaster caused for the fire. The conditions prevailing and which are necessary sometimes act as the sufficient condition. Though not necessary some conditions act as sufficient conditions in negative manner. Smoking cigarette causes Cancer is one such instance. It does not mean that not smoking cigarette will prevent cancer. Similarly the different types of causes will come before us in certain circumstances. They can be termed as remote and proximate causes. The remote cause is the cause for proximate one. Actually the final proximate is the effect and the penultimate proximate is the cause for the final. The penultimate proximate is the effect when the more remote one is considered as cause. For instance, A causes B, B causes C, C causes D. Then D is the effect of cause C and C is the effect of cause B. A is remote than B, B is remote than C and vice versa. Whether it is in everyday life or science the use of cause giving effect proposes a theory. We believe it when cause results in effect and we do not believe it if it fails to bring the effect. The assertion of universal proposition through a particular observation is inductive generalization. But when more than one attributes were present for more than one phenomenon then we take the help of analogy. When we are confirming a causal law with enumeration then it was done by number of analogies. Thus the criteria of analogical arguments apply to enumeration also; like in the case of blue litmus paper turning red when dipped in the acid. At times the enumeration is used to establish causal law in history. This can make us go unnoticing the negative aspects of those analogies. But the advance in learning gave rise to inductive procedures. It developed and depends upon: This helps in reducing the method of enumerating in conforming the effect. If ABCD cause WXYZ and AEFG
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