Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Replication Of Dna By Escherichia Coli Essay - 1479 Words
Introduction Today’s issue of Biology: Meselson and Stahl (Vol 4, 1958) includes a groundbreaking development into further understanding of DNA Replication. On pages 671 – 682 is an article titled â€Å"The Replication of DNA in Escherichia Coli†. Meselson and Stahl conducted an experiment to understand how DNA self-replicates by the use of Bacterial transformation to clone parental DNA. In the article, Meselson and Stahl investigate the distribution between the parental and daughter DNA molecules. This is achieved by the use of Radio Isotopic labelling. Uniform Isotopic N15 was grown in E.coli consisting of N14 medium to observe the distribution of N15 DNA macromolecules. Within the article, the authors also discuss the problems they faced during the investigation and how significant Watsons and Cricks Double helix suggests how DNA self-replicates. What is DNA? The discovery of the structure of DNA has always been associated with Watson and Crick. Their double helix structure, which they developed in 1983, has been used as a model to understand how DNA self-replicates (Karp, 2009). The structure of DNA is made up of covalent bonds between 4 unique nucleotide bases. These bases bind together via complementary base pairing, therefore allowing Adenine to only bind with Thymine, and Cytosine with Guanine (Penn State, Ebery College of Science, 2016). The use of covalent bonds makes the structure strongly bound like a zipper. However, just like a zipper, it can easily open upShow MoreRelatedHow Do Bacteria Divide?1600 Words  | 7 Pagesto explain some aspects of DNA replication and septation – including the synthesis of peptidoglycan in the new cell wall – using the model organism Escherichia coli. Also, I will discuss the role and function of Fts proteins in cell division. Finally, I will discuss some less common forms of bac terial cell division, cell division where FtsZ is absent and some key facts from reliable sources on all the topics covered in this essay. Binary fission Before DNA replication E.coli cells prepare for cellRead MoreEscherichia Coli : Is A Well Studied Gram Negative Bacteria916 Words  | 4 PagesEscherichia coli K12 is a well-studied gram-negative bacteria. First isolated from the human gut, is one of the most used in molecular studies, being the knowledge obtained from studies of E. coli possible to apply to other organisms (Burton and Kaguni, 1997). Some enzymes have a crucial role in the transcription control, the topoisomerases enzymes play an important role in the level of DNA supercoiling, an important property of DNA and chromatin (Gilbert and Allan, 2014). The supercoiling levelRead MoreGenetic Engineering : Escherichia Coli1789 Words  | 8 Pagesorganism by manipulating its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Bacteria possess plasmids which can be used as vectors for bacterial transformation. The plasmids can be altered to include donor DNA thus altering the physiological or physical characteristics of the bacterium. Escher ichia coli have been found to be the most effective bacterium in genetic transformation and heterologous expression of human genes or proteins. It was hypothesised that Escherichia coli HB101 K12 could be transformed with a pGLO plasmidRead MoreLara Guvelioglu. Bi 108 E2. Nahomie Rodriguez-Sastre. 04/13/17.1632 Words  | 7 Pages04/13/17 Bacteria Escherichia coli’s Genetic Transformation Using Vector Plasmid DNA pGLO Abstract The field of biotechnology involves the concept of genetic engineering, altering the DNA/genetic material of an organism using information from a different one. The process in which bacteria can obtain this manipulated genetic information from another source is called genetic transformation. The goal of this experiment was to genetically transform Escherichia coli bacteria’s DNA by inserting the vectorRead MoreMeselson and Stahl1272 Words  | 6 PagesFranklin Stahl are two biologists who prove that DNA replication was semiconservative. At the time, many strong evidences from experiments using bacterial viruses had already convinced most scientists that DNA was the molecule of heredity; however they knew little about the DNA replication process. After the dimensionally accurate model building by Watson and Crick, it was clear that the process of replication and information distribution have to use the DNA from parent cell as template to achieve anRead MoreEscherichia Coli Transformation For Ampicillin Resistance And Gfp Expression Using Pglo Plasmid And Calcium Chloride Transformation Solution1768 Words  | 8 Pages4/6/16 BI108 Lab D8 Escherichia coli transformation for ampicillin resistance and GFP expression using pGLO plasmid and calcium chloride transformation solution Abstract Within the growing field of biotechnology, genetic engineering is becoming more important than ever. To illustrate an application of genetic transformation, pGLO plasmid containing the reporter gene GFP, an arabinose operon, and a gene coding for ampicillin resistance was used to genetically transform Escherichia coli. Plates of LB/ampRead MoreDiscussion Questions On The Difference Between Genomic And Plasmid Dna796 Words  | 4 Pagesinfections, however numerous strains have been traced to the blood, urine and feces. Question #2 Plasmid DNA is an autonomously replicating circular DNA molecule that is only about 1,000-20,000 base pairs in size and is separate from bacterial chromosomes. Plasmids are a significant part of molecular biology because they are small enough to be cloned or modified, they endure self-replication, they are stable over long periods of time and they have a diverse range of gene expression. Having theseRead MoreEscherichia Coli ( Coli ) For Antimicrobial Resistance Genes1523 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis Of Escherichia Coli (E. coli) For Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Hetvi .B. Patel Harper College ABSTRACT This essay reviews a basic microbiological research project that focused on identifying pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli) from the poultry industry in a developing country such as Romania. The research methodology, results and its practical applications are discussed. 51 isolates of E. coli were taken from various samples of raw poultry meat and testedRead MoreFunction: of DNA polymerase500 Words  | 2 PagesFunction: of DNA polymerase DNA polymerase is a very important enzyme when it comes to DNA replication. DNA polymerase, more specifically, is involved in the process of reading and adding nucleotides to the DNA strand so a complimentary stand can be made. During the DNA replication process DNA polymerase puts new nucleotides on the 3’ end of the DNA Strand. Not only does DNA polymerase add nucleotides to a DNA strand it can also act somewhat as a â€Å"proof reader†. It can pause the replication processRead MoreHeritable Genetic Information In Escherichia Coli In Transformation1664 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic Information in Escherichia Coli in Transformation and Deoxyribonucleic Acid A report for Biology 2000 written by Alana Pay : 001196733 Introduction Griffin was a scientist that showed that there was a non-living component to heritability between organisms, although he had not yet discovered what exactly was the heritable component. However, during this time period, it was a common belief that the heritable material was contained within the protein of the organism, not the DNA that is now held
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Presidency Has Changed Us Equal Opportunity - 1605 Words
Samantha Ruiz AP Government and Politics Arban 7 December 2014 The presidency has been the face of American government, and during times of crisis people are more willing to let him take executive action. The founding fathers had a vision for the nation, devoid of tyranny, with a system of checks and balances that would prevent the abuse of power. But at what point does the president become imperial? Some of the most noteworthy presidents have been imperialistic, because they have progressively expanded their powers as it is deemed necessary in order to fulfill their duty to the country. Yes, the imperial presidency has pushed the limits of power and has caused turmoil among politicians who fear that it has gone to far. The American†¦show more content†¦Thus the imperial presidency was born from foreign affairs, from â€Å"faith and duty and the right of the United States to intervene swiftly in every part of the world†at any moment without the approval of congress (Schlesinger). Past presidents have dealt with national emergenc ies, this pressure is responsibility that he â€Å"must take unto himself†and act accordingly (Schlesinger). Good government starts with the appearance of our leader, and the entire executive office. The president should be representative of the all people in the United States, an exceptional role model who takes the people’s needs into account. The best time for a strong imperialistic president is when faction, anarchy, and excessive ambitions threaten it. The energy put forth by the president â€Å"generally characterize the proceedings of one man in a much more eminent degree†than that of a weaker and more dispersed power system (Hamilton). The importance of this energy highlights the respect our government continues to have for the constitution because of the importance it maintains in this day and age. However the constitution, a historical document is open to interpretation that has become a broader spectrum than ever before. Another reason the presidenc y has gained momentum is due to the exclusive power to respond to â€Å"national emergencies†given by the constitution, such as a terrorist attack (Cairo, 228). Some presidents used this as their loop hole into the system, others simply denied
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Identity Theory And Social Identity - 1228 Words
Identity theory traces its root in the writing of G.H Mead, the American philosopher, sociologist and psychologist who says that the image or the feeling that a person creates for him or herself in a particular society is the result of other’s vision, which is created daily and is subjected to change. Richard Jinkens, the sociologist describes that social identity means who we are and who the others are and on the other hand what the other thinks about themselves and others. Further, Mead elaborates that a person in a particular society has two identities and which are self-identity and social identity. The self-identity is the cognition that a person has about him or herself and the social identity is the reflection of the accepted values that a person has in the society. Social Identity theory is enabling a person to answer his question of what I am and who I am based on his group membership. This is basically a line between oneself and the alien. In this assignment I will d iscuss the brief biography of the developers of the social identity theory, the definition of the theory, aspects of the theory, a case study, the critics and future application. Henry Tajfel and John Turner developed Social Identity Theory in 1979. Henry Tajfel born on 22 June 1919 in Poland. He was one of the most famous and influential psychologists of the 20th century. He studied chemistry in France. He later joined the France army and was made a prisoner of war. After cessation he becameShow MoreRelatedSocial Identity Theory861 Words  | 3 PagesSocial identity theory, it is a person’s sense that is based around the group they are in, either by their personal identity or with different kinds of social identities. That is, people will try to improve their own image of themselves. The theory was proposed by Henri Tajfel. People can increase their self-esteem by both their own achievement and interaction with a successful group of people. This shows the importance of so cial belonging. This theory is based around three mental processes, socialRead MoreSocial Identity Theory1399 Words  | 6 PagesSocial identity theory is a theory which is intended to explain how people develop a sense of belonging and membership in particular groups, and how the workings of intergroup discrimination work. Social identity theory plays an important role in the study of social psychology. To some degree, everyone is influenced by social identity theory. Social Identity Theory tries to explain such intergroup discrimination in the real world as well as in the circumstance of the minimal groups. The theoryRead MoreSocial And Social Identity Theory1860 Words  | 8 PagesTurner, the Social Identity Theory (SIT) can be described as the comparison between the individual self and the social self. More specifically, it is the individual’s perception that is derived from their membership of a social group (ingroups and outgroups) or personal identities. The theory is divided into three different psychological mechanisms: social categorization, social comparison, and the tendency for people to use the group membership as a source to gain self-esteem. A theory is definedRead MoreAssignment On Social Identity Theory Essay1158 Words  | 5 Pages TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES MUMBAI GROUP WORK ASSIGNMENT ON SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY Submitted to: Professor Vijay Raman Enrollment No.: M2015CF026 SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY The Social Identity Theory was developed by Tajfel and Turner in 1979. The theory was originally developed to understand the psychological basis of intergroup discrimination. Tajfel in 1971 attempted to identify the minimal conditions that would lead members of one group to discriminate in favour of the in groupRead MoreLimitations Of Social Identity Theory1673 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Social identity theory proposed by Tajfel Turner (2004) is a theory of group membership and behaviour which has made significant contributions in explaining in-group favouritism, out-group denigration, competition and other interactions of an individual among social groups (Korte, 2007; Brown, 2000; Tajfel Turner, 2004). Social identity theory can be defined as an individual’s sense of who they are based on the group that they belong to through a process of self-categorisation andRead MoreOutline Of Social Identity Theory1278 Words  | 6 PagesOutline social identity theory and with reference to recent research critically evaluate the strategies individuals or groups might use to achieve a positive social identity. Social Identity Theory (SIT) is a relational term, defining who we are as a function of our similarities and differences with others. It is shared with others and provides a basis for shared social action and the meanings associated with any social identity are products of our collective history and present. Therefore Social identityRead MoreNotes On Social Identity Theory1191 Words  | 5 PagesContextualizing BIRG: Social Identity Theory SIT (Tajfel et al., 1971; Tajfel Turner, 1979) has been explained briefly in the Introduction, which provided an overview on the nature of its construction (Galang et al., 2015) and its implications on ingroup inclusion, intergroup behavior, and self-esteem (Brewer Yuki, 2007). This theory is further discussed here, particularly its conception of group identification and esteem, to give context to BIRG and the framework of analysis that will be usedRead MoreSocial Identity Theory And Social Interaction Theory Essay1907 Words  | 8 PagesSocial Identity Theory In 1979, Tajfel and Turner are recognized for the development of social identity theory (SIT) (Tajfel Turner, 1979). Through earlier studies, Tajfel attempted to understand mechanisms that lead to group members to discriminate against non-group members, which lead to evolution of SIT (Hogg, van Knippenberg, Rast, 2012). The Tajfel and Turner developed SIT with the purpose of understanding social group discrimination (Tajfel Turner, 1979). SIT is based on three concepts:Read MoreSocial Conflict Theory : Social Identity Theory And Conflict1410 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Identity Theory and Conflict Theoretically significant to conflict is social identity theory. It allows â€Å"predictions to incorporate who is likely to perceive and act in group terms, to remain committed to the group in times of crisis†Turner (1999), Doosje Ellemers, (1999). Bar-Tal stresses conflict exists when an incompatible goal exists between two groups. The question of when incompatibility sets become important in understanding the cause of inter-ethnic or communal conflicts for instanceRead MoreComparing Erikson and Marcias Psychosocial Theory of Identity and Tajfels Social Identity Theory1766 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Eriksons and Marcias Psycho-social theory of Identity and Tajfels Social Identity theory Introduction of theorists: Erikson: Eriksons description of the eight stages of life has a lot of appeal, and Erikson himself was described in the early 1980s as the fifth most influential psychologist of the century (Gilgen, 1982). Much research has been done on predictions made by Eriksons theory, especially the adolescent crisis of identify vs. role confusion. Erikson is one of the few famous
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Primary Source Analysis - 955 Words
Primary Source Analysis In order to determine the validity of a source, to prove it is a primary source and not a secondary source, one must look at several things. There are many aspects about it that show its validity. These include; when the event the source is talking about took place compared to when the author wrote the piece and when they were alive, whether or not it was an eye-witness account, and the reason the author wrote about it. Also in the evaluation process of the source, one must consider the audience in which it was written for, the evidence used to support the author, and the value of it in history. In examining the article Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell, One can find this article in indeed a valid,†¦show more content†¦. . He neither stirred nor fell, but every line of his body had altered. He looked suddenly stricken, shrunken, immensely old, as though the frightful impact of the bullet had paralyzed him without knocking him down.†With this amount of de scription, and detail into how it all went down, one can easily come to the conclusion of this being a primary source. Details of how the elephant acted, and looked after being shot, are details only someone who saw it happen first-hand can give. In this article, Orwell has clear biases about the way the English treated the people in India and it shows when he is talking about how he is against what was going on. â€Å"I was all for the Burmese and all against their oppressors the British.†Deciding whether or not a source is a primary or secondary source can be difficult. There are many steps in the process required to determine if it’s a primary source or not. The author needs to have been alive and old enough to understand what happened. They need to have significant evidence to back up their story enough to prove they were there first-hand. The source needs to provide a value in history, and help modern-day readers understand the time period more, as well as have a clear audience. George Orwell clearly meets all of these requirements and shows a clear reason to rule this article a primary source. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. Orwell George, â€Å"Shooting anShow MoreRelatedThe Six Cs : Primary Source Analysis Essay852 Words  | 4 PagesName: Olivier Pà ©loquin Primary Source Analysis â€Å"The Six Cs†At the top of this sheet, write your name and the name of the source that you are analyzing. Respond to each of the following questions. A complete response should take no more than one to two paragraphs. Each questions is worth a total of five points. 1. Citation. What type of source is it? Who created it and when did they create it? -It is a primary sources consisting of two letters written to the President of the United States atRead MorePrimary Source Analysis of Queen Elizabeth I Essay840 Words  | 4 PagesThis essay aims to analyse two historical primary sources in relation to Queen Elizabeth I, also known as the ‘Virgin Queen’; the essay will attempt to use the source in order to understand what it is able to reveal about the past and her influence during her reign. The first source to be analysed consists of a portrait of the Queen in her late sixties produced, apparently, by the French born artist Isaac Oliver in the sixteen hundreds. In his portrait of the queen the artists, despite her age, presentsRead MorePrimary Source Analysis Essay - Primary Sources Analysis1035 Words  | 5 PagesAnthony Gonzalez His 127-95 02/26/2017 Primary Source Analysis Essay For most of human existence religion has been a key ideology that has this sort of power to bring individuals together and give them a sense of belonging. But during our same Human history it has shown us that we will go through great lengths to prove that we are right about about our beliefs against others beliefs and will be willing to do anything to prove it. The crusades was a hateful and terrible part ofRead MorePrimary Source Analysis : Equiano937 Words  | 4 PagesPrimary Source Analysis – Equiano Olaudah Equiano had a very unique experience with the slave trade system. He began conveying his experience with how he was captured in his village by two men and a women, who kidnapped him and his sister. Their captors traveled with them for a few days before separating the siblings, and selling Equiano to his first master. He was treated fairly well, even when he ran away for a day and came back, he says his master â€Å"having slightly reprimanded me, ordered meRead MorePrimary Source Analysis Example991 Words  | 4 PagesPrimary Source Analysis: Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points The source is a speech delivered by Woodrow Wilson on January 8th 1918; the speech was delivered among Woodrow’s fellow congressmen in the American congress. However, the speech was not written purely by Wilson, During World War I, Walter Lippmann became an adviser to President Woodrow Wilson and assisted in the drafting of the speech. The several points covered in Wilson’s speech aimed to resolve territorial issues in Europe, as well asRead MoreResearch Analysis : Primary Sources Essay1701 Words  | 7 PagesResearch Analysis Worksheet This worksheet is for analyzing primary sources, which for the purpose of this project are popular culture media: texts created for a mass audience with some commercial component, either through sales, subscription, or advertising revenue: advertisements, videos, television shows, news articles or programs, popular music, etc. Choose three different popular culture artifacts (primary sources) that reflect the identity you’ve chosen for your essay. For instance, if I wereRead MorePrimary Source Analysis on The Feminine Mystique1128 Words  | 5 PagesPotter 1 Rebecca Potter Gray Section 4975 12 May 2015 Primary Source Analysis on The Feminine Mystique The Feminine Mystique is the title of a book written by Betty Friedan who has also founded The National Organization for Women (NOW) to help US women gain equal rights. She describes the Feminine Mystique as the heightened awareness of the expectations of women and how each woman has to fit a certain role as a little girl, an uneducated and unemployed teenager, and finally as a wife andRead MorePrimary Source Analysis : Virginian Luxuries1339 Words  | 6 PagesPrimary Source Analysis 1) What relationships of power are featured in â€Å"Virginian Luxuries†(Document 1)? How are unequal power relationships reflected in Toqueville’s distinctions between the three races (Document 2)? What future does Toqueville predict for these groups of people and why? Based upon your own knowledge, how accurate do you believe Toqueville’s observations and predictions were? Relationships of power that featured in â€Å"Virginian Luxuries†(Document 1) include the relation betweenRead MorePrimary Source Analysis : John Calvin962 Words  | 4 PagesPrerak Sachdev Western Civilization Prof. Andrew 4th December 2015 Primary Source Analysis - John Calvin: On Predestination In 1536, John Calvin was a French lawyer and theologian who lived in Geneva, Switzerland. He published a book titled Institutes of the Christian Religion. Originally published his work in Latin but subsequently translated into different European languages. The Institutes outlined Calvin’s basic philosophies on â€Å"predestination†as a precondition for salvation. Calvin,Read MoreThe Importance Of Some Research Terminology From 5 Parts : Action Research1337 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Research always is an important part in Master study, which was composed by variety parts such as action research, case study, context, etc. This essay will discuss and analysis the importance of some research terminology from 5 parts: action research, case study, primary sources, secondary sources and multidiscipline. Besides, it will explain the meaning and give some examples for each part. Action Research Action research is a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for
Use The Convolution Of Kernel Matrixes Operating Room By...
Andrei Marroquin Use the Convolution of Kernel Matrixes in the Operating Room by using Medical Imaging Techniques. Abstract Medical imaging is an essential aspect in several fields of biomedical engineering, biomedical research and also in clinical practice especially in Operating Rooms and Emergency Rooms. The analysis of all these imaging techniques (MRI, CT scans, PET, X-Rays) generally requires computerized quantification and advance visualization tools. All the images that are obtained from diverse techniques carry useful medical, and physiological information that can be used by physicians for diagnosis or treating a particular disease or just for check ups. The aim of this project is to design a MATLAB program that†¦show more content†¦In fact, medical imaging made it possible to identify diverse abnormalities in humans. These images can be obtained from Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), X-Rays, Ultrasound, positron emission tomography (PET), etc. Analyzing these images usually requires special programs and a user to run the software. All the images that are obtai ned, using different techniques, contain important and useful information for the physician to make a decision. MRIs are widely used by physicians and researchers due to their advantages over other medical imaging techniques. Raymond Vahan Damadian created the MRI machine in 1977 after the discovery of the X-Ray, which was the first technique used to observe denser tissues such as bones [1]. In the case of the MRI, it uses the alignment of the hydrogen atom, and since human bodies are mostly composed of water this was a suitable approach. A powerful superconducting solenoid that produces a strong magnetic field makes the hydrogen atoms point in the direction of the magnet. Once this point is reached, pulses of radio frequency are emitted by antennas that excite the nuclear spin energy transition and an image is formed [1]. Since MRI is a non-invasive procedure (MRI does not use any ionizing radiation like X-Rays) and the resulting images are produced in a high resolution, it is preferable to work with DICOM images from MRI. In
Self Introduction Essay Example For Students
Self Introduction Essay My name is Julie, but my parents call me Julieta, especially when they want to express their dissatisfaction or disagreement. Girls with such names are supposed to set high goals, have hidden talent and always bring joy everywhere. I don’t like my name, probably as any girl does not. Do I have any choice? And besides, maybe all the joy and happiness that I have in my life is because of this name? I was born in Spain, but when I was five, our family moved to the United States as my father got a promotion at work. So, now we are living here. My family consists of four people: both of my parents, my sister and me. They are the funniest people I’ve ever met. Our evening dinners usually end up in jokes and heart-to-heart talks. My parents and my sister are the closest people to me, who always offer me their support and assistance. As children, we used to fight and argue with my sister. But as I was growing, I became realizing that I would never meet the best and truer friend than her. Of course, we have some conflicts, but they last no longer than five minutes. The way my parents brought me up My parents raised me up as a mature and independent individual. I have my own opinion concerning things, and sometimes I change it, but never reject it. They have taught me to be determined when it comes to goals and aims, and never give up or indulge weaknesses. I know what my flaws are and I am working on them in order to become better. Speaking of my hobbies, I am very much interested in languages and literature. Spanish and English have been my passion since childhood. It was my mother, who read to me evening when I was small. My mother cultivated a love of fiction and detectives. Nowadays, I have a small library consisting of almost all books by Stephen King, who is one of my favorite writers, by the way. My father has also promoted a love of music. Even though he is not a professional, but his guitar play drives me distracted and evokes special feelings. When I was eleven, my dad taught me how to play guitar, and I tried to absorb every piece of the information that he was trying to put in my head. However, when I became a student, the college left no time for favorite activities. I would not say, that I was a nerd, but you know that college students have a great workload to do in order to get the highest grades. My studiousness and efforts had not been made in vain. I successfully passed my exams, especially an exam in Spanish that I was worried about the most. The head of the department awarded my persistence with a chance to join the student exchange program. Now, I had an opportunity to become a part of something great and interesting. That day a new exciting stage of my life has started. My new experience I was so excited to meet new people and make new friends. I stood an opportunity to become one of the students of  The University of Puerto Rico. I have not traveled abroad for a long time, and I could not believe I’ve done it. Due to my advanced level of Spanish, I faced no difficulties either in understanding, or communicating, or sharing interests with people. I said a few words about myself to my fellow, and we spent long hours communicating and getting to know each other. That was a great experience that helped me to deepen my general knowledge about different cultures as well as elevate the mind. I am so grateful to the university because besides the fact that it gave me new acquaintances it also gave me knowledge extremely important when it comes to finding a job. The university holds a meeting where all the students were given tips and tricks of the successful job interview. What is more, every student was given a sample, written in English, on of how to write your CV. One of the tips says ho to make the introduction, what to include in the main body and how to make the conclusion. Moreover, it explains which points you may be a bit creative and where it is necessary to give accurate information. .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 , .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .postImageUrl , .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 , .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23:hover , .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23:visited , .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23:active { border:0!important; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23:active , .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23 .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud3d31d35cd9f571df9c3edbcc3e6de23:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Teachers vs. coaches EssayThat trip has definitely changed me. For example, I have become much more responsible for my actions; I can easily cope with difficulties at hand and make mature decisions. That was a great life lesson, from which I have made conclusions for my self. Taken all that into consideration, I have made up my mind to let my dream come true finally. The next year I hope I will join another program and enroll at  National University of Arts in Korea, where I would choose department of instrumental music and finally start learning the subject I have always had an inclination for.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Definition Of Business Process Description â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Definition Of Business Process Description? Answer: Introduction: Small business are impacted by factors that helps in informational decision making that helps in generation of valid, reliable and accurate information. Accounting information system helps in tracing and appropriate recording of the financial transactions of organization. They are capable of interpreting and analyzing the financial data for producing relevant information that would assist in decision-making. Incorporation of tool of accounting information helps in control of business related activities and makes the arrangement of budgeting and planning. In this modern era, business faces tough competition and complex operational order for small business to sustain and remain competitive in the complex environment, it is required by them to adopt advance system of technology. It is depicted from the evaluation of case study that B Bakery was not capable of producing products at competitive prices. A manual form of accounting process is followed by organization and follo wing report demonstrate the technology adoption for suiting the requirement of firms (Bodnar and Hopwood 2013) Business Process of the organization B bakery is a family owned business that is operated by around seventy employees. Business has been in industry for over fifty years and they are producer and distributor of bread and confectionary products. Over the years, business of B Bakery has experienced mixed fortunes but due to healthy product ranges, they have experienced growth. Nonetheless, there has not been significant growth in business of B bakery over the last few years. This has led to expansion of business activities and increased operational activities. Currently, business of B Bakery has been facing difficulties with accounts. Accountant team cannot assist in competitive decision-making activities (Adenike and Michael 2016). This has led to failure of business to sell products at competitive prices as they have lost some of important accounts. B bakery performs a wide range of activities and this involves following: Production of Bakery products: Bakery produces products such as bread and confectionary products and is engaged in manufacturing as well as supplying products. Supplying confectionary products and bread to pub chains, supermarkets and number of different businesses. Production is done on small scale and this has led to inefficiency in business operations. The core process of business are production, supply chain management, accounts and human resource management (Simkin et al. 2014). Manually business process- There was a manual process of recording books of accounts and preparing financial statement of organization. Currently business did not have any efficient way of performing business. The unique selling proposition of business of Bakery is that products ranges are offered on healthier platform. Offering healthy products, ranges would help organization in gaining competitive strength. Organization has been compelled to switch to some of latest technology due to their continued reliance on manual process of recording transactions. Product Distribution B bakery along with manufacturing the products such as bread and confectionary products is engaged in supplying the products to various forms of business, pub chains and supermarkets. Ineffective human resource management As provided in the case study that three are seventy employees working in organization and organization does not have any pay roll structures. The recording of salaries and payment done to employees are recorded manually as there is not any proper accounting system. For the past years, there has been increase in sales revenue. Due to incapability of staff members and employees within organization to produce the products, any competitive price has led to loss of some key accounts of business. This lead to inefficient management of operations of business. Accounting department of organization does not have any accounting software. Human resource department of B Bakery is not sufficient for managing all the records of employees and staffs engaged with business (Suryadi et al. 2014). business processes that are indispensable to be performed The business requirements that are essential for B Bakery firm is enhancing accounts, making investment in some available accounting software and customization according to the process of business. Informed and better decision-making by integration of business process and accounting system. Business would require implementation of accounting information system and enterprise resource planning that would help in providing better platform for the business process (Liu et al. 2013). Pay-roll structure with automated accounting software: B Bakery currently faces difficulty in providing salaries to employees as they have an annual process of transactions recording. Since, the organization is a growing firm, it is required by them to have an automated system of processing and crediting salary payment to employees. Proper analysis of costs of different inflow and outflow activities Products involved in manufacturing and processing of activities requires classification of different types of activities. It is essential for organization to have the proper classification of items of cost that will help in analyzing the cost and benefits associated with every items. Cost of Production determination: In order for organization to have effective employment of the process of carrying to operations, it is required to determine the appropriate cost of production. For ensuring internal control within organization, implementation of accounting software would help in ensuring the information reliability that are being produced by software (Barkhi and Kozlowski 2017). This would help in ensuing the business activities and accordingly helps in achieving the objectives of management of business. Financial statements and preparation of annual reports: An efficient and effective processing of data that is acquired by different transactions of company that will help in capturing of all the transactions and documentation process. Such transaction should be recorded to journals and data needs to be sorted based on different accounts. Publication of annual reports to stakeholders is of utmost importance to organization. Financial declarations of organization is of utmost important to stakeholder of organization Determination of appropriate market value of products of organization along with determination of tax amount: Adopting a suitable accounting software would help organization in determining the appropriate products market value by analyzing the pricing of products. B bakery is also required to make payment of taxes because it is a growing organization. Therefore, the amount of tax that should be payable by organizations should also be segregated that is possible with the implementation of software. Organization would be able to gain information from analysis and database using accounting software as some categories of information are required to be shared by management that involves financial statements and management reports. Suitable outcomes of the business processes Adopting the business process that is discussed above would help organization in achieving several outcomes of business. In order for organization to improve their business processing, various key outputs are required to be achieved from the process of business of B bakery. Operational and transformational information are required by business. Some of information that are required for achieving the business outcome are stock in inventory, payment made to suppliers, cost of raw materials, labor charge and possible margin that is achieved by business. Control over variable and different types of operating costs The controlling of operating cost of business can be done by implementation of automated accounting software by B Bakery that would further assist in reducing the operating costs. Organization would be able to determine the producing units by segregating into higher and lower operating cost. Variable cost of materials would be controlled by the employment of automated software by management. Cost management and accounting system of organization would be effective along with minimization of the production unit. Effective preparation of financial statements An effective management information system would help organization in properly recording their book of accounts. Such software implementation helps in accurately recording books of accounts and assist in producing quality financial report. The business transactions including sales, cost incurred, asset and stock details and payment to workers are recorded using the software. Some of software programs comes with facilities of making order to suppliers, email invoices to customers and filing tax return to Australian tax office. Software also helps in creating back up of all relevant and financial records that would have great impact on performance of organization. Increase in sales Using accounting software would assist bakery firm is properly forecasting the sales volume by accountant. This will help in ensuring customer service, infrastructure, inventory, customer service and account management procedures that would help in handling the increase in growth. Accounts are able to derive clear picture of expense of business and analysis of expenses would help in tracking the sales record using software. Such software helps in identifying some profitable ideas that will help in shooting up sales by eliminating services causing business to lose money. Determination of demand of the customers Implementing the proper accounting software would help in determining the profits and loss that is related with selling of various range of products by organization. They would be able to set the price of products at competitive prices by taking and gaining the information related to labor charge, cost of supplying products and possible profit margin that can be arrived. Stocks that are not used frequently in production of products would be minimized that assist in cutting down operational cost (Powell 2015). The above listed outcomes produced by B bakery would be achieved if the business process using the automated software were performed. Determining system requirements For the smooth and efficient operation of business, B bakery would require implementation of accounting information system and enterprise resource planning. Implementation of such software is essential for achieving the objective of business. Software implementation would help in integration of business process of organization and creation of central database. Information of all the business process would be accessed by software that produces efficient, better and accurate information. Easy Online accounting The financial transactions of organization are shifted in online platform the software due to increase in competition among various business. It becomes essential for small enterprise such as B bakery to implement the system that would ease in receiving and making payment to vendors, distributing materials to supply chain. In order for small business to make proper decision management are required to take appropriate and prompt action in the process of business for which they seek relevant financial information. The firm would experience growth if the system of recording inventories becomes seamless that is possible due to accounting software implementation (Seyal and Rahman 2015). Financial statement evaluation and analysis Recording of financial statements and financial information of organization can be done by implementing various accounting software available in market. B bakery can make the adoption of software such as Xero, MYOB and DacEasy. Adoption and implementing to such software would help organization to continue and sustain in the growing competitive era of business. Internal system of organization will be in control and systems would be efficient for handling the recording of transaction that will lead to producing reliable accounting information. Daily accounting transactions of organization will be properly recorded by such software implementation. The total cost and operating cost of organization such as B bakery should be regularly analyzed that is certainly possible by the implementation of accounting software. One of the important component of transaction recording is preparation of cost sheets that would assist management of organization in effective presentation of transactions details in front of vendors. Cost sheet is a document that provide detailed estimates of cost in respect of cost unit of organization (Iskandar 2015). This would involve detail of payment made to employees in terms of salaries and operational cost details. Implementation of accounting software deals with the analysis of meeting short and long-term objective of organization. Irrespective of scale on which organization that is small scale and large scale, they are mostly engaged in accounting transactions that requires proper recording. Nonetheless, equal importance is placed on all types of transactions. Therefore, it is required by organization and is considered of utmost importance that implementation of such software should be done that takes into account all types of transactions recording. Development of financial indicators by organization is considered essential for properly recording and achieving financial performance (Bodnar and Hopwood 2013). Therefore, for having eased in recording financial transactions would be possible by the implementation of such software. Three types of fundamental functions are provided by accounting information system in the process of business and they are as follows: An efficient and effective processing of data that make use of data acquired from various transactions of organization. This requires capturing of documentation and sources of transactions that should be recorded to journals. It helps in chronologically recording of all transactions and different accounts will help in sorting of data (Hejazi et al. 2014). Required internal control within organization are provided by the implementation of accounting system software that would ensure data reliability and ensure business activities effectiveness. Financial statements and managerial reports are the two types or categories of information that is required by management of organization. Determining selection of software There are three classes of accounting information software based on size of business and this is classified as entry-level solutions, small to medium scale business solutions and enterprise accounting software. Entry-level solutions are suitable for small-scale business, they are capable of delivering some of basic financial functionalities, and some of the software includes Freshbooks, Xero and Quickbooks. Software employed by small to medium scale of business are able to provide functionalities more than above listed software. Associated database provided by such software will be robust and they are highly scalable. Some of the example of such software are CYMA, SAP, 100 MRP and SAGE. Enterprise accounting software includes Oracle, SAP and SAGE ERP and they offer and provides users with extended functionalities. Selection of software by small-scale business is a challenging task and accounting software packages are offered by such software. Selection of appropriate software by such organization sometimes becomes confusing task and they need to conduct proper benefit and cost analysis prior to the implementation of such software. Some of accounting software that accounting software are well equipped with involves planning budget, charts, monitoring of spreadsheet, planning of cost spreadsheets, automatic updating and rapid file categorization (Friedl and Pedell, 2017). The business process of organization forms the basis of adoption of accounting software system. In this regard, B Bakery should adopt following accounting software that are listed below: MYOB SAP Xero B bakery can employ the software depending upon the suitability and compatibility with business. Accounting Software (Medium End) Basic requirement of finance and accounts department of organization is easily met by the implementation of medium end software. It leads to meeting of all the primary requirements of business. Small-scale business and profit making entities employs such software as it assist them in recording daily transactions and preparation of financial report. Medium end accounting software are implemented by organization that mainly follows double entry system of bookkeeping. There is integration of such software with the database, reporting tool and information system of management that helps organization in meeting the required accounting standard. It is recommended for organization experiencing growth to adopt such software. Accounting software (Low End) Small business operating on lower scale make use of low end accounting software for merging several accounts, generating invoices for customers and handling the pay roll of employees. Such software incorporates some features such as customer relationship management, payroll, e commerce and financial reporting and transactions. Low-end accounting software are employed by organization involved in complex business and lower accounting transactions. Professionals such as lawyers and doctors mostly use this type of accounting software. Such software are purchased on shelf software and from retailers. Such software uses a wide spectrum and it is not related to any vertical market. Some of the accounting transactions that take place in some functional areas of organization such as accounts payable, payroll, trail balance and account receivable are recorded by such software and also deals with basic accounting functions (Correia and Nayak 2016). High-end accounting software are required to be implemented by organization that deals with recording of complex transactions. This is so because it considers different process of accounting. Multinational and organization that operates on large scale make use of such software as they incorporates advance technology in their process. Outcomes generated by such software is considered as crucial for the organization and implementation of such software requires organization to incur huge amount of costs. They requires additional human resource and higher cost and leads to expensive business applications. Compared to low and medium end software, such software required high implementation suite (Tazik and Mohamed 2014). Moreover, according to needs of organization such software can be easily customized. Single version software are comparatively less costly to multiple version software. Business process and structure of organization forms the basis of implementing the software for running the operations of business. Payment structure of employees: Employee payment structure forms the differentiating factors between the implementation of different software discussed above. When organization intends to reconcile the bank statement, it is considered essential to adopt Xero software. For managing the salaries of employees and status of tax payment, it is considered essential to adopt MYOB software (King 2015). All the software make the difference in recoding of taxes payment and crediting employees salaries. Sustainability and risk factors Implementation of software are regarded as free from errors and sustainable depending upon the users capability. Management of B Bakery is required to handle the implementation of software by dealing with specialization. Complexities and schedule timing Various softwares involves some degree of complexities in performance and they differ in their timing while maintaining performance. When looking at the administration of MYOB, it is considered simple as compared to other softwares and employees having basic accounting knowledge and knowledge of bookkeeping are able to make recording of the daily transaction of organization. Flexibility The implementation of software by small business provides with free training. Operations of software such as Xero is flexible and they are advanced on payroll of third party. MYOB software are regarded as enormously flexible as they have the capability of producing ample report at a time. DacEasy software is considered as inflexible when it comes to adjust with recording of operation of business. Preparation of accounting reports helps accountants in tracking of data that deals with customers, suppliers, transactions relating to third parties. Sundry creditors and debtors MYOB software helps in billing of suppliers and creditors along with recording of e receipt and e payments. Purchase order of organization and claims regarding expense can be arranged by the application of Xero. Accountants in management of organization are assisted in cheque printing and calculation of purchase orders with the help of implementation of DacEasy software (Worrell et al. 2014). Most appropriate vendor for B bakery: A suitable accounting packages needs to be selected by the management of B bakery. B Bakery is an organization that is runned by family and they are not capable of incurring higher costs that puts into them practice of accounting package. Accounting package that is elected by organization should not be complicated as it helps in successful implementation of the software. It is observed from the above analysis and evaluation of various accounting software that implementation of Xero and MYOB would be considered suitable for dealing with operations of business of B bakery. Business function of organization is suited by credit function of business as they are engaged in supplying and distribution of the products. Conclusion: Organizations intending to take their business to another level requires of implement appropriate accounting information software that would helps in sustaining and continuing as going concern. 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